
How much $ do you need to retire @ 40 years of age?

#tech #income #tc #salary #retirement Ex. For Seattle location (assuming your house is paid for) for a family of four for modest living

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Amazon PsNg55 Apr 26

Define modest living. Median family income of 120k, 3m is enough. And that median family doesn’t have a paid off house.

Salesforce j63sgbtsj Apr 26

Depends how long you intend to live, and at what quality of life. But 5mil is a pretty solid starting point where investments should be able to carry you for a good life

Investment Bank Glinda Apr 26

I agree. If you invest well and spend modestly, $5M is enough. Another plan is to take a low stress job that offers health insurance because that is the biggest expense until you reach age 65

Amazon PsNg55 Apr 26

If you have low income, healthcare exchanges are quite cheap.

Microsoft blndusr9 Apr 26

Minimum 30M if u r with family in Seattle. Anything less, you will struggle a lot. You can do with 25M in lcol like Kansas city if you live frugal

Apple alrightt Apr 26

bro, what planet are you from?

Microsoft blndusr9 Apr 26

Nowadays every other person in Seattle has minimum 15M net worth. Need atleast 30M to retire at 40. That too may be right if medical expenses come up

Fidelity Investments wwertg Apr 26

25 times your annual expenses

Amazon mtumtu Apr 26

So 40 is the new 62 now??

Meta TC/GTFO!! Apr 26

5m plus a paid-for house

Microsoft LxTi06 Apr 26

I agree with this

Microsoft peace4u Apr 26

1.5 million with paid off house and car. Annual expenses of 60k. Family of 2, no kids. Mcol.