StartupsSep 17, 2018

How soon to evaluate and maybe fire a new hire?

I’m fairly new with hiring and building a team. I might have made a bad hire. How long should I wait after having someone hired? I think I made the hiring bar too low.

Microsoft UnUN77 Sep 17, 2018

If you are convinced that it was a wrong hire, no point in hoping against hope, accept the mistake, relieve him and move on.

Google BiggusD Sep 17, 2018

I'd start giving them feedback if something is not working asap, make sure the things that need to change are clear and specific, then potentially fire if that is not addressed in a couple weeks.

Apple Www qq Sep 17, 2018

This ^ Give constructive feedback and see if the person improves, if not then take further action.

Dell rgc?&@1! Sep 17, 2018

He might have small kids house mortgage visa issues... why did u hire him in first place... u didnt evaluate him properly before hiring... its ur mistake... wait for 1 yr...

Google BiggusD Sep 17, 2018

That doesn't make you unfireable

Soothe hahawtf OP Sep 17, 2018

He’s got none of those. 1 year is too long of a time for a bad hire.

Oracle pnp Sep 17, 2018

Find them something else in the company. Why should someone suffer for your error in judgement? Rarely can anyone be so terrible that you cannot get anything out of them.

Apple Tim'sCuck Sep 17, 2018

This is terrible advice. That's how team make gets destroyed. The fuck ups of a team member have to be absorbed by the rest of the team.

Oracle pnp Sep 17, 2018

That's not the advice. If they cleared the interview, they are probably good, but not fit for the team/manager. I have inherited teams with some members I would not hire, but got them to deliver and kept them engaged. I have also let go of people, but have learned to have some empathy and respect.

Apple Tim'sCuck Sep 17, 2018

Start feedback immediately, document it properly, start a PIP-like process within a month, he should be out within 2 months to avoid affecting the team morale

Apple luckyduck Sep 17, 2018

Give the employee some deadlines (a couple of weeks to a month) for tasks and see how they perform. If you are not satisfied, put them in Performance Improvement Program. Otherwise be generous and give them a month notice to find a job elsewhere. You can obviously fire them right away based on performance, but is it something your conscience accepts? One or two months of pay is not much for any decent sized company.

Xperi Kit😺 Sep 17, 2018

Could you give an example on why you consider him/her a bad hire?

Soothe hahawtf OP Sep 17, 2018

Lot’s of problems with his code ranging from improper indentation, poor styling, wrong formats for JSON for caching in the database.

State Farm 599 Sep 17, 2018

How many YOE do they have?

Microsoft YwWb48 Sep 17, 2018

You're trolling yeah? Incorrect indentation?! Work with the person, make them better, building a team isn't easy.

Axtria 💗69 Sep 17, 2018

A good manager is someone who encourages growth, is a good mentor, is empathetic, respects personal commitments, provides constructive feedback, trains the team, and professionally beings out a better version of their employees than when they were hired. Make sure you are doing all those things first. Building a team isn't just about keeping the hiring bar high. No two people in the team are equal, so it's up to the manager to figure out what each one is good at, what interests him, what can be taught etc. Assign him a mentor, guide him, provide feedback, work towards improvement. If he still doesn't get upto speed, talk to him and put him on PIP.

Oracle pnp Sep 17, 2018


Berkeley Lab Fees bad Sep 20, 2018

I hate bad indentation, it makes me wonder three things, the person is not experienced enough to think the code should be readable to maintain it, or He never had to read some one else’s code to realize its importance, or may be that is their coding style which you don’t like. If you are posting this to see if your manager is going to fire you,because you are the one who is doing all the bad coding and you want to know how your manager would react to the mistakes you are doing - if that is the case just go and read good coding practices the fact that your manager is pointing you that this is how something should be done, should be taken seriously especially if you think he has the power to fire you. it is never too late to start reading about coding best practices or someone to ask to read up on it.