Tech IndustryJan 12, 2023
Financial Services Companyxqst

How to better position Corp Dev to Product

Currently redoing resume to apply to Product Manager roles (if possible). Most recent experience was being a Program Manager at a AI-product focused joint venture (backed by a Fortune 25 and a AI/ML Unicorn), essentially taking on Product Manager responsibilities with roadmaps, sprints, design features, etc. despite Program title. Concern is that I was heavily in Corp Dev/Private Equity (M&A, strategy, investments, institutional banking, corporate financial consulting) beforehand. Any pointers on rΓ©sumΓ© formatting or wording to best present myself for a transition? TC: $150k YoE: 3 #tech #product #career #finance #pm #productmanagement

Amazon bananabois Jan 12, 2023

If you were really doing product tasks on the last stint, maybe just call yourself that on the resume πŸ‘€