
How to get a promotion @ Cisco?

How do you get promoted, what is the process? Please comment if I missed something obvious. YOE: 9 TC: 140k #cisco

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Cisco ghfxyp Sep 20, 2021

Tell your manager that you would like to grow your career and ask for advice on what you should improve. Ask to be given some assignments above your level for a while, where you show that you can handle it. Worked for me.

Cisco ghfxyp Sep 20, 2021

Let me add that I had been performing above expectations at the time I started the discussion with my manager. That’s usually required. What is your IPF?

lollippop OP Sep 21, 2021

Haven’t got one yet. Just trying to understand if I start preparing for a jump to another company or try getting a promo within a year.