Tech IndustryMay 3, 2018

How to get in Netflix?

Finishing up business school and after Amazon I really hope to get in a company that I actually like. Find an opening that really fits my profile, but I heard Netflix is a people company and it really makes a difference with referral. Did some network research sadly not many people from my school worked at Netflix... Any advice on best approach getting in?

k8 May 3, 2018


JLS007 OP May 3, 2018

I'm a marketing/product manager, non technical.

Amazon dududu May 3, 2018

Then pmcode

Netflix SlMh73 May 3, 2018

Referrals don’t matter at Netflix, just apply through website

Facebook SenatorAds May 3, 2018

Hummm not sure ‘bout that 🤔

JLS007 OP May 3, 2018

They never get back and I swear my profile is like 90% fit to the JD. Shall I reach out to recruitors on Linkedin?

baQn60 May 3, 2018

Who’s netflix

Netflix Johnny5 May 3, 2018

Referrals do not matter aside from making sure your resume gets viewed. Trust me.

JLS007 OP May 4, 2018

That's all I ask for. So many companies won't even look at the resume unless referred

Netflix SlMh73 May 4, 2018

That’s not true here, but it may take some time

Tumblr hotel Apr 26, 2019

How long before you can apply again to the same position