
How to operate a company?

As a general manager in a $45MM ecommerce company, hopeful COO someday I spend endless hours creating meetings, learning methodologies, organizing people and tasks, speaking with consultants and trying to focus outside the box. It sounds like a silly question, but are there some boilerplate guides out there on how to run a business in the most general sense? eg meet with people weekly, spend this much time on operations, spend time outside the box. Lots of advanced stuff everywhere, but where are the fundamentals? Is there a "book" ?

Bonduelle Jarviz Dec 3, 2020

I hear a lot about creating high performing teams and other related best practices for leadership. I'm interested to see if you have researched that space?

Amazon Azroil Dec 7, 2020

Form a team of people that have been their respective roles for a decent amount of time . Earn their trust value their input and learn from them while enabling their ideas to succeed. They will lead you to success

spdmster Dec 31, 2020

I'm in a similar situation as you. No magic formula, but there are definitely some good books on this topic. I recommend these two as a good starters: - The Great CEO Within: The Tactical Guide to Company Building - High output management