HousingApr 27, 2023

How to stay in touch with the neighbor Homeowners within the same HOA ?

Hi! Our HoA does not allow complex based emails, unless it is an emergency. But I want to be able to discuss, share, exchange ideas, and announce projects and ask the opinion of my neighbors. How do you guys accomplish that? A facebook group or what? Please advice. Waiting for HoA meetings is too long since it happens once per quarter. And why are all the HoA secretaries are so dumb and super slooooow!!! Like a Horrible Organization of A******s! Thank you TC tax: 320k and 🍌🍌in SF Bay. Barely enough to be stuck living under an HoA BS! Someday in unforeseen future I will b able to afford an SFH as an HV1 minion who will not need to commute most precious part of his life away!

Salesforce zVrx63 Apr 27, 2023

Is there a Nextdoor group for your HOA or at least neighborhood?

Amazon Yosemitea OP Apr 27, 2023

Yes, but asking for only for our HOA!

Salesforce zVrx63 Apr 27, 2023

HOA board members are notoriously petty tyrants. I wouldn’t try too hard to get around them because they’re likely to retaliate.

Square XCA1p0zZ Apr 28, 2023

Create a Google group, folks can join or leave with their email as they like.

Virta Health 3d8zn1f Apr 28, 2023

Townsqare is built exactly for this purpose

Microsoft NotRain☔️ Apr 28, 2023

Create a Facebook or whatsapp group… and spread the word.

Pellego GTgU71 Apr 28, 2023

One of my rentals has a neighborhood fb group and it's super active. Actually they have like 3 because of different spinoffs but they all see decent action. Another property has community fb group, it's not active at all. It's slow as shit and hardly anyone other then the HOA post.