Misc.May 9

How to sue US government?

How to sue US government for giving tax payer's money to Israel. Billions every year.

Amazon washndry May 9

I wish

Apple toeH14 May 9

We all wish. The people voted then congress voted. Hate to say it but that’s democracy.

Chewy wYhu28 May 9

What's wrong with helping our friends? Didn't we help Palestine, too? Or is this one of those "Well, I hate Israel so we shouldn't support them" posts?

Atlassian cftbhm May 9

We shouldn't be friends with people or governments who bomb children

PayPal 👁️🫦👁️✨ May 9

I don't see why not, the morality of it never stopped the US

Google funnyFrog May 9

You unhappy? Leave and go live in Palestine. Your tax money there would go directly against Jews. P.s. I'm from Lebanon and anyone unhappy should be deported to live there in Palestine to see who they're siding with

Apple toeH14 May 9

It’s not about siding with one or the other. Why not stop giving money we don’t have? I say this as an independent

ex-Upwork canisexu? May 9

How? Do Palestinians have the Right of Return?

Amazon ¿what? May 9

With the FTCA, you can sue the government if you believe it was negligent. Call the offices of James McGill, speedy justice for you.

Splunk veryberry🫐 May 9

I wish. The Leahy Law is on weapon in our arsenal to force the US government’s hand - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leahy_Law But unfortunately it requires the State Department to take action - so somewhat like the fox guarding the hen house.

ex-Upwork canisexu? May 9

Meanwhile social security fund will run out in 10 years

Apple toeH14 May 9

Less than 10 I’m afraid

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

I was just describing blind as a place where grown men who are essentially 11 year olds in adult bodies congregate and then I came across this post and I used it as an example. Thank you.

Enfabrica qxyI44 May 9

So mature of you to support genocide. Way to go. Here's a gold star (of David) for you!

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

I don’t support genocide. I’m saying that the OP saying he wants to sue the U.S. government is stupid

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv May 9

Congress determines spending. Voters elect Congress. If you don’t like what your Congressperson is doing, vote them out during their next election or write to them and try to convince them to change their position. You can’t sue Congress for doing its job.

Enfabrica qxyI44 May 9

The US has a system where the majority of the citizens get absolutely no say in the decisions due to how the Electroral College works. Only 2/3 of the Bay Area actually votes Democrat. If we had proportional representation nothing would look the way it does today. But keep spewing those platitudes.

Goldman Sachs Lc76Gv May 9

The Electoral College has literally nothing to do with Congress. But please, continue to pretend like you understand how the government works.

ex-Indeed adduu May 9

How to sue the OP for idiocy?

Microsoft Akaela OP May 9

It will be fun when you find out in 10 years that government doesn't have enough money to fund social security. America is on a ticking time bomb! Only then you will realize that money given to Israel could have been spent wisely! https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/06/social-security-expected-to-run-short-on-funds-in-2035-government-says.html

ex-Indeed adduu May 9

I’d like to spend a bit and deport you. Ideally to Gaza