Misc.Sep 1, 2018

Human Penis / Size + Evolution

The peacock’s tail can be viewed as an example of a “sexual handicap.” That is to say, having the tail makes survival more difficult for the male peacocks, and still it increases their chance of being selected by a female. It’s kind of like bird macho-ism — the peacocks are saying “look, I can carry around this needlessly large tail and still survive with no trouble.” The hydraulic nature of the human penis can be viewed in the same way. There is no penis bone in the human penis, so being able to display an erect penis can similarly be viewed as a “sexual handicap.” That is to say, the expression of an erect penis is advertising vitality to the female at some expense to the male — namely the guaranteed erection that a penis bone would provide (vestigial in humans). Are increasingly large penis sizes a cultural phenomenon or do they have an evolutionary advantage? There is no question that women seem to prefer larger penises, is this a U.S.A. trend or universal instinct?

Amazon gemalto Sep 1, 2018

Why did you tag those specific companies... lol

Apple Tim'sCuck Sep 1, 2018

Obviously the people in those companies have larger penises

Amazon Northman Sep 1, 2018

Note that the companies tagged are F.A.G.

Sirius XM PtCebx4 Sep 1, 2018

This is more thought about dicks than I want to engage in today.

Facebook 5'6"Indian Sep 1, 2018

Penis length is inversely proportional to the size of the population.

Kung pao Sep 1, 2018

This ^^^ 😂🤣

Painkiller OP Sep 1, 2018

It’s true, but the primary selection pressure (starvation + food) no longer applies in the civilized world, so individuals can much more easily bear a sexual handicap. It’s similar to male pattern baldness - for so long every calorie was so very precious that even shedding hair increased your survival odds enough to matter.

Microsoft 🦆🐥🐔🐧f Sep 1, 2018

Men care much more about penis size (or penises altogether) than women do.

Facebook mrballz Sep 1, 2018

Wishful thinking male spotted

Microsoft 🦆🐥🐔🐧f Sep 1, 2018

All the proof you need is the dick pic phenomenon. Men on dating sites (or anywhere frankly) send unsolicited dick pics *all the time*. I am sure some of this is malicious but much of it is totally well-intentioned. If random women sent me sexual photos unprompted I’d love it, and so would most men sending dick pics. Even if (or especially if) I’m in a bad mood. But women almost always *do not like this*. Even if the dick is a very nice dick. Of course women like penises. Big penises are sexy (to an extent... at a certain point they are hot in theory but problematic in practice). But they typically only like them *in the context of a sexual interaction, after that interaction has already started*. At that point it doesn’t especially matter how big it is. Obviously there are exceptions and some women would be just as thrilled to see random dick as I am to see random lady parts.

Apple Tim'sCuck Sep 1, 2018

Read about the duck penis and you will realize why penises evolve possible be larger and thicker. It's essentially an evolution war against the female reproductive organs. . It just does not make sense in modern societies where women rights are respected and hence it just becomes a societal preference as with larger female chest

Apple Tim'sCuck Sep 1, 2018

Apparently in Blind you can not say vag*na, b00bs or br3asts. How is that not sexist and condescending

Sirius XM PtCebx4 Sep 1, 2018

Yeah I guess they want you to say twat and tits.

Airbnb Kfvuf Sep 1, 2018

Humans have by far the largest ones among primates. It evolved in response to evolution of a larger brain/greater intelligence, which indirectly necessitated a larger penis to effect similar sexual pleasure. A larger penis by itself does not offer much advantage - and might even be a hindrance. But in the presence of sexual selection, it can be a big competitive advantage.

Facebook just a swe Sep 1, 2018

What makes you think average peen size is increasing? Mine’s been big forever 😂

Amazon Kxqy63 Sep 1, 2018

Jumbo peanut size big?

Workiva Nutz1lla Sep 2, 2018

Who cares? Can you spell the alphabet with your tongue?

Google NADM63 Sep 2, 2018

I've never understood why this is supposed to be hard?