Humble Referral Request for SWE roles Summer 2024 internship

Hello fellow blinders, I’m a CS grad student at ASU. Have over 2 years of experience working at Amazon. I'm hoping to get a referral for a Summer 2024 internship. I was a part of building Code Whisperer, an ML-based low code no code environment where we map the front-end AWS APIs that we build to the natural language statements, for Amazon. Worked on services like Lambda, S3, SNS. Sadly I am failing to snag anything this year and would like some help especially when there are no upward signs in the market and the fear of having the burden on the tuition fees up to 60k USD is worrisome, especially in this market. I know a lot of places are closing up recruiting but “you miss 100% of the shots you don't take”. Hence I humbly request any help or leads that would get me an internship for this Summer 2024. Thank you so much in advance! Thanks in advance. #meta, #apple #google, #microsoft, #bloomberg, #uber, #adobe, #oracle, #linkedin, #ebay, #jpmorgan, #vmware, #capitalone, #paypal , #airbnb, #lyft, #atlassian, #twitter, #salesforce, #roblox, #expedia, #doordash, #qualtrics, #quora, #dropbox, #nutanix, #visa, #databricks, #citrix, #zillow, #twilio, #serviceNow, #intuit, #indeed, #tesla, #pinterest, #square, #splunk, #twosigma, #wayfair, #spotify, #flipkart, #palantir, #audible, #alibaba#houzz #houzz, #tripadvisor, #twitch, #codenation, #affirm, #didi, #grab, #tableau, #cruiseautomation, #sumologic, #coupang, #quip, #box, #zulily, #cohesity, #postmates, #docusign, #paytm, #pocketgems, #hulu, #netflix, #coursera, #rubrik, #reddit, #factset, #groupon, #cloudera, #deshaw, #appdynamics, #aristanetworks, #triplebyte, #blackrock, #accolite, #zoho, #redfin, #amex, #evernote, #booking, #liveramp, #virtufinancial, #garena, #ponyai, #barclays, #duolingo, #drawbridge, #epic, #toptal, #dunzo, #riotgames, #poshmark, #sapient, #zappos, #opendoor, #blizzard, #datadog, #zynga, #mastercard, #jumptrading, #dataminr #cameo #bumble #tinder, #snowflake, #nvidia, #snapchat #anduril #openai #amd #anduril #startup #rivian #optimizely #tech #swe #product #intern#engineering #software #hedgefund #machinelearning #softwareengineering #hiring #referral #jobs #tech #internships #referrals #f1 #student #help #please #referral #Qualcomm #patreon #Samsung #referral #jobseferral

Adobe steal33221 Feb 5

DM for Adobe

Palantir btri67 Feb 5

Dm for Palantir

DataRobot EaQY42 Feb 5

DM for DataRobot

QKDk83 Mar 24

Hi do you mind if I get a request I'm a data scientist?

Snowflake amcm27 Feb 6

DM for Snowflake Share the job IDs from Snowflake career page

Tesla AAEL67 Feb 11

DM for Tesla :)

Microsoft sQqO16 Feb 21

Can I DM