I believe DEI played a role in the hiring of all DEI-classified candidates

If you see a “DEI” employee, do you automatically assume they got hired because of DEI? Or do you not really think about it and assume they fully earned their position on merit? I’m Hispanic, I’ve been told that I only got my job because of DEI on blind. I hope that’s not true and I hope my coworkers don’t see me that way.

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Capital One here4cap1 Apr 26

DEI poisons the well. It doesn't matter if you're the most qualified person. If a company boasts about hiring X, and you are X, people will assume you were hired because you're X.

State Farm bean0 OP Apr 26

I get that I’m not a fan of companies virtue signaling and parading people like me around. It’s not a good luck for us

Capital One here4cap1 Apr 26

Agreed. You're basically forced into this.

Instacart YdOP30 Apr 26

You were told on blind you only got your job because of DEI. Do you believe you got your job on your own merits?

State Farm bean0 OP Apr 26

Yeah I do I just hope my coworkers don’t judge me or see me that way

Instacart YdOP30 Apr 26

If you do good work they have no reason to judge you. If anyone says anything otherwise feel free to report them to HR. You earned your spot in your company and don’t like the sour grapes on blind make you feel any less.

Salesforce chicagosd Apr 26

Even if your coworkers view you that way give them every reason to appreciate you for your work. I’ll confess that sometimes I have come across colleagues that are so poor in work ethic and performance (no response to emails for weeks, no proactive effort, no interest in going beyond the call) that I am forced to wonder how they got hired. The mind being how it is, naturally wonders if they got hired on attributes other than pure merit. You are a classified minority, and unfortunately you may have this cloud over your head. Let your work speak for itself. Then no one is going to wonder how you got in.

Credit Karma ird61064 Apr 26

DEI is why there is anyone other than straight white Christian males in the workplace. So when I see a LGBTQ engineer, yes, I think the only reason they have a job and are out is because of DEI.

Instacart YdOP30 Apr 26

Not the quality of work they do?

State Farm bean0 OP Apr 26

A lot can be inferred from your statement and none of it is good

Atlassian UFHr61 Apr 26

As long as someone is decent at their job, I literally don’t give a fuck how they got the job, and I don’t make any assumptions about why they were hired.

Microsoft Hey-Zeus Apr 26

DEI = Didn't Earn It. DEI is ACTUAL systemic racism, and it's advocates are racists.