I do not like work from home. It is so lonely.

#mentalhealth I cry a lot. Work is so stressful. I know I am lucky to have a job. I can’t quit. Because I need health insurance and bills to pay. I am just venting as I have no where to go.

Sanofi InTCvTrust Jan 8

so go to office

ByteDance JiggyWr Jan 8

You should have hobbies that take you out of the house.

Google yoloe Jan 11

You still spend most of your day holed up inside with your computer

Grafana Labs pati44 Jan 11

go to a cafe? To the beach? To a coworking space?

Financial Service Company freesome Jan 8

Hey we can chat on discord or something!

Tata Consultancy Services rtbsidu Jan 8


Expedia Group expfghag Jan 8

Martial arts

Goldman Sachs XhfJ51 Jan 8

Nothing is worth your mental breakdown. Give yourself some time outside of work and accept that this is not the end of the world

RCgB73 Jan 8

So sorry to hear. Perhaps move to another company or away from Bay Area. Prioritize relationships.Sending hugs

Fandango iAvH33 Jan 8

Get the job where they force you to be in the office 5 days a week and you will miss working from home. Otherwise find a hobby that gets you out of the house and makes you happy. Job is just a way to get paid, no point to cry or be stressed about it. The worst thing that can happen you will loose it, an it is not the worst thing that can happen in your life .

Protiviti Link2023 Jan 11

This is what I did, WFH, since 2019. I took a job that mandated going into the office. I will try it out for 6 months just for the social connection and renegotiate. Social connection is the only thing the office is good for, in my opinion. I rarely get anything done in the office.

lostoldacc Jan 11

Seems like a lot of new employees may have started during past 5 years and don’t realize the mental and physical health impact dealing with commute, spending money on food, car repairs, lunches, appointments, ect… wfh was the goal way before Covid, and even now there are tons of companies that switched to remote. Sure you won’t get fat TC like big companies, but the benefits out way the cons. If you want to network join meetups or hackathons, of you want to meet people find hobbies, feel couped up? Go work at a coffee shop.

o9 Solutions GqfE78 Jan 8

Are u in india ?

Infosys ddswaa Jan 8

I work from home all week and it is surely depressing Especially in the afternoon from 2-4 pm is the worst. But I am absolutely grateful for this job since it allows me to cook and clean at leisure.

Adobe basmat Jan 11

Does Infosys india give wfh? If yes which team?