Strider Technologieschatgt🥜

I hope nobody makes apps for Vision Pro

The 27% thing that apple is doing with 3rd party payments is just ridiculous. But it seems the only thing that will change it is app developers to boycott en masse which is likely not going to happen (too much market share to give up). But every developer out there should follow in Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube's footsteps and not make apps for the new OS. Teach apple that they need to woo developers again and not just extort them

Microsoft Papa G ! Jan 19

Vision Pro is the iPhone of 2024. Mark my worlds and get in soon .

Strider Technologies chatgt🥜 OP Jan 19


Snap 🐕Akita🐕 Jan 20

Microsoft, what makes you think a VR platform that seemingly no developer supports is going to make VR mainstream when nobody else has, despite having many more apps and games supported? Do you really think people are going to be wearing a VR headset in public like they use a phone or was your post sarcastic?

Apple eXIe23 Jan 19

You’re right. We should’ve made it 50%.

Strider Technologies chatgt🥜 OP Jan 19

Why didn't you?

Meta iammetwo Jan 19

The fee is insane. For decades we could install whatever we want on our computers. Then apple came and said for iPhone, you can only install apps from their store. Then they take a huge cut, and say they’re providing a great service for developers. Except… I developed an app for iOS. And they screw me over. My app does not show up when you search for terms I have added in the keywords. When I talked to apple, they said it’s because they have a proprietary search algorithm that can ignore my keywords. Except… my app absolutely has the content described by the keyword, and other apps that show up when searching for that word do not. Strange… until you realize that they have a favorite app in my category and it’s a huge money maker for apple from the 30% they collect. So they are doing absolutely nothing for me, burying my app and making it all but undiscoverable, and then charging me the fees anyways.

Strider Technologies chatgt🥜 OP Jan 19


Apple eXIe23 Jan 19

Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Meta inqt33 Jan 19

At least they’re one of the few companies not doing mass layoffs

Strider Technologies chatgt🥜 OP Jan 19

That doesn't make their stance less grevious

Apple kodnwksjj Jan 19

How much Google store is charging?

Strider Technologies chatgt🥜 OP Jan 19

Nothing if done via 3rd party platform afaik