Misc.Apr 1, 2019

I phone-interviewed with GCP 4 weeks ago and still no response...

I get it - if they would've liked what they heard I'm sure the process would be faster but this is complete lack of professionalism. I've interviewed more than 100 people at AWS and always put in the feedback that same day. How long does it take to say "he's not a good fit"? The HR keeps telling me "I'm still waiting for their feedback". That's why GCP isn't respected in the industry as an Enterprise-level service - horrible customer service.

Micro Focus GWOz11 Apr 1, 2019

Boom! Roasted!

Amazon OnTheGo OP Apr 2, 2019

I wouldn't call it roasting but definitely a heads up for others. I'm in the field (AWS SA) and customers are always interested in what GCP is up to but almost never use it at an Enterprise level - they know Google's reputation when it comes to support. One customer told me they couldn't reach anyone over there when a GCP service was down for a whole day. Crazy. This approach leaks into everything else, including recruiting.

Oracle vertDeFerk Apr 1, 2019

The ranks among recruiters and realtors harbor some of the worlds worst persons.

Amazon OnTheGo OP Apr 1, 2019

I don't know - the recruiter seemed very professional.

!=faang Apr 1, 2019

What's GCP?

Amazon OnTheGo OP Apr 1, 2019

You're proving my point))

!=faang Apr 1, 2019

Gotcha. Why would you try to go to GCP? Aws is way ahead!