Tech IndustryJan 1, 2019

I start to like Leetcode...

After I got a new manager, yesterday he told me that I’m not producing high quality code. (I’m SDE I) He even said that maybe I’m just not good at it. Maybe I can try some other career. I immediately started to work my ass off to do better at work. At the same time, I’m doing Leetcode for interviews. Now I’m very confused about my career. I’d say that I’m not a huge fan for coding. But working in a big company as a developer makes me feel that I’m making an impact. At the same time, this job gives me great benefits and financial security. Funny thing is that I enjoy doing Leetcode more than my job. Because I see all the interesting tricks through different problems. In contrast, at work I’m feeling constantly stressed and I feel like I’m walking on the ice everyday. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Am I just bad at coding & shouldn’t be a developer?

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Please don’t troll me. I’m sincerely asking for help here.

Apple iPhone Xs Jan 1, 2019

Try a different team and if still don’t like it then try a different role like PM

KPMG Teddyhere Jan 1, 2019

Switch to a different team or a company. Sounds like a bad manager.

Lockheed Martin iEkO37 Jan 1, 2019

Did your manager tell you where you were lacking and ways for you to improve?

Google IpGzlakxb Jan 1, 2019


Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Yes he did.

Salesforce Z00FORCE Jan 1, 2019

If you’re enjoying leetcode and struggling on the coding side maybe you just need to learn the language and your design patterns and where to apply proper patterns and data structures, etc

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Thanks for the advice! My current job doesn’t require complicated data structure. It’s more about the code base is huge and new.

Netflix wBTS55 Jan 1, 2019

Design patterns != data structures. Even if you don’t need to use complicated data structures, you definitely need design patterns on a large code base.

IcanC# Jan 1, 2019

This sounds lack of motivation and your manager is not helping with that feedback. Maybe you can have a talk with him and set some goals for yourself, continue to LeetCode it will definitely improve your skills, also I would suggest to dig a little bit in SD. If none of this helps, find yourself another team/company

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

It’s not about lack of motivation. I didn’t make it clear before. I was working very hard, but even that, I didn’t meet his expectations. What’s SD?

IcanC# Jan 1, 2019

System Design. You should know that you are making an impact and you are in a great company. So you know what are your manager expectations? Or he us just pointing it out? Dont stop Leetcode even if you switch teams/Company

AnchorFree rokfeller Jan 1, 2019

Lol. Shitcode will never teach you high quality code. Go open any solution to a complex problem and i’m sure it will be a pile of unreadable non maintainable shit of i,j,k,ans and memo. Only by working with experienced engineers producing high quality code and looking at their work will you improve.

Paychex v1kOav Jan 1, 2019

Your current job says a lot about your skills.

AnchorFree rokfeller Jan 1, 2019

Sad to break the news, but you have no idea whats my current job or what my skills are. What I can say fir sure - paychex site suck.

ladka Jan 1, 2019

Being new to the industry is extremely hard. And it gets harder on the fresher's as the industry matures. Please keep that in mind and stay patient + resilient. You'll be fine. You'll meet managers who aren't helpful. That's on them, not you.

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Thanks a lot. I’ll try my best at work, and see how far I can go. I’ll also try different teams/companies and see whether it’s just a bad manager or it’s me.

ladka Jan 1, 2019

I know you mean well. But you don't start a marathon thinking you'll give it your best shot. You start it with the mindset of staying in it and finishing it. If you are able to Leetcode, you are able to do the job. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You'll need to acquire knowledge and skills -- give it time and effort. Chill and enjoy the long ride!

Amazon IndianGirl Jan 1, 2019

Sounds like you’re a Project Manager at heart. You will no long have to conceal being a poser, it will become an official part of your job.

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Why is everyone trolling PM lol. Majority of PMs I know are very knowledgeable about the field

Uber ayiayi Jan 1, 2019

Honestly, I have been there. I had a manager who was DB and loved those who worshipped him. We bumped heads, he was threatening to put me on PIP in my previous company. I switched teams, found what I wanted, worked on Leetcode and I got better at my tasks. Now I’m at a much better company with a good TC and wlb. It’s just about dodging those idiots and being patient. Don’t waste your time trying to impress them, shots are already fired. Time to move on.

Microsoft alex5 OP Jan 1, 2019

Thanks for sharing! How long did it take you to find next job?

Qualcomm dynasty001 Jan 1, 2019

Just keep Leetcoding bro. I feel that also improves my thought process and i like learning a new language (cpp in my case)