I will bring back AUTO Jobs

What happened to bringing back jobs for Michigan, Ohio residents. 45 didn’t do anything and GM which is making billions took away 15k jobs. So much for chanting USA??? And Fox covers it as it not a big deal https://www.foxnews.com/auto/get-them-while-theyre-not-hot-gm-is-killing-these-six-models-next-year https://cnn.it/2Ao9Xj3

Get them while they're not hot: GM is killing these six models next year
Get them while they're not hot: GM is killing these six models next year
Fox News
Tim Ryan: Trump 'insulting' laid-off GM workers with boast about manufacturing jobs
Tim Ryan: Trump 'insulting' laid-off GM workers with boast about manufacturing jobs
Intel Iffno Nov 27, 2018

It’s what happens when you don’t pull Stalinist tactics of mandating car companies to build cars no one wants for CAFE standards the other large polluting countries don’t abide by. I presume in your world, you prefer a centrally planned government that mandates making undesirable and uneconomic cars so you can then hand out bailouts and appear a hero, while simultaneously engaging in crony green capitalism with your donors. Well done, it’s difficult to be pro-Stalin.

Microsoft wtflololo Nov 27, 2018

Not sure if you are incompetent, or just a jerk. In any case, comparing this to Stalin is beyond understandable.

Apple ento Nov 27, 2018

Ya. No bailouts and freebies. Fuck yeah! Except for farmers. Yo Yo Trump! Stupid idiot.

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Intel Iffno Nov 27, 2018

So vehicles that use less steel will be discontinued while they continue making ones that use more steel? Good one. GM small vehicles will be made overseas because people overseas actually like small vehicles. For decades they’ve had to make them to hit CAFE standards.

Intel Iffno Nov 27, 2018

Ford made the same decision in April for business reasons before tariff discussions were underway. Also, the price of steel has fluctuated by 50% over the last decade, so not sure why 25% tariffs would have a significant impact. They will be made by foreign companies with US manufacturing in Kentucky/South Carolina because Honda, Toyota make better small cars more efficiently. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/26/ford-is-basically-giving-up-on-us-car-business-and-gm-is-not-far-behind.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2018/04/26/ford-has-been-synonymous-with-cars-for-more-than-a-century-thats-about-to-change/

Apple (🍎).🥧 Nov 27, 2018

Trump never understood why GM and Ford moved small car manufacturing to Mexico. It’s because Mexico has better trade agreements with other countries that buy those small cars. Everything is about VAT and Tariffs and less about cheaper labor. It’s a cheaper net to build them there and export them to all markets than to build them here and face VAT/tariffs against the US. The more volatile it is, the more companies will move manufacturing to where it’s safer for business. That’s what Trump doesn’t get.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Nov 27, 2018

This kind of thing is why Trump focuses on immigrants and other scapegoats. Don’t look at the board members behind the curtain... the economic hardships that people will experience from this are obviously due to migrant “others” and Trans people using pronouns!!!!! Nationalism is offered when countries don’t have anything real in terms of a better life to offer people.

Microsoft Ranveer Nov 27, 2018

lol Kudos to fox though. ‘Get them while they are not hot’. If this had happened in the Obama era, the headline would be - Obama to personally prepare exit packages for GM, as company lays off thousands of people, while he is still hiding his Kenyan birth certificate

Intel Iffno Nov 27, 2018

Actual headlines while Obama was in office: “Obama bailouts out Government Motors to keep making cars no one wants”

Bose hiringData Nov 27, 2018

Fox so fucking biased as usual