Tech IndustryAug 31, 2016

IBM - IP question

I currently work for IBM and am moonlighting at my own startup. We are close to getting funding. Does anyone know about IBMs IP policy ? Am I allowed to work on another start up while employed with IBM ? Can they claim my IP as theirs if I am still employed by IBM ?

IBM drowsy Aug 31, 2016

If you are a regular employee of ibm you basically can't make money off your startup until you leave ibm. You sign something when you get hired that says it. You even need their permission to work on open source stuff on your own time.

IBM wueJkk Aug 31, 2016

drowsy is not drowsy. drowsy is right. In the other hand, unless your startup makes it big, I doubt they'll ever know.

IBM AIes52 Aug 31, 2016

I believe they can claim all IP, even if you aren't making money from it. there is a Web page on w3 you can request your employment agreement. I got a copy of mine when I started a small business consulting company on the side. I don't make ip and believe i dont compete with ibm

Microsoft Hot sauce Aug 31, 2016

Don't waste two seconds worrying about this... You have bigger problems ahead of like how to make sure the start up world dosent squish you like a cockroach ... IBM is not checking for you boo