IBM CEO Arvind announces no raises for all 300,000 employees. He still keeps full salary and bonuses

Just trying to spread the word about this shitty company. #ibm #tech

TripAdvisor v547 Aug 6, 2020

What am I missing here? You get to keep full salary and bonus too Right?

IBM lanebdhz OP Aug 6, 2020

He makes millions of dollars and when the cost of living increases all the employees get shit. I mean we have gone through 4 layoffs this year. And the pay was already shit

Amazon De$i Aug 6, 2020

You should find other job man.

Roblox darks!de Aug 6, 2020

IBM has gone through 4 layoffs, and you are still waiting 😀

Google grossjeans Aug 6, 2020

And op hasn’t mentioned their own tc!

Amazon thcksl Aug 6, 2020

It’s a free market. He is keeping his salary and bonus because shareholders are convinced he is worth it. You are free to use whatever leverage you have and negotiate the biggest number you can.

IBM oddblockV2 Aug 6, 2020

Not just him, but every executive gets to keep their salary and bonus. This company is clown world.

Dell /_ Aug 6, 2020

You're much easier to replace than your ceo I guess :-)

Microsoft Clippy3.0 Aug 6, 2020

Lmao. IBM has been shitty for a long time. No news there.

Microsoft ngRd9ft Aug 6, 2020


IBM XgrB88 Aug 6, 2020

I wonder if promotions are put on hold as well

IBM lanebdhz OP Aug 6, 2020

They have been for months.... That's not new

IBM XgrB88 Aug 6, 2020

Primarily for the lower bands, but there have been exceptions

IBM magyar Aug 6, 2020

Lmao. I got a 1.51% raise last September and my manager acted like it was a big deal because it was just enough to push me into 6 figure salary territory. Glad I found another job this summer

IBM oddblockV2 Aug 6, 2020

Where did you go/y’all hiring?

IBM magyar Aug 6, 2020

Amazon, still hiring aggressively from the looks of it

IBM bigtechboi Aug 6, 2020

I really don’t know why so many IBMers talk all this shit. Leave, then! If you hate it so much, you know where the door is! The likelihood of that they are mostly lazy and unmarketable and just want to blame the world for the fact that they aren’t going anywhere. Don’t complain that IBM isn’t great, and then do NOTHING to change it. I like my job. I like my team. I even like my management. Of course there is a lot of change that needs to happen to successfully turn this company around and maybe one day be a cutting edge innovator respected by the market and our peers, but people like the ones I see in this post are a problem we need to get past before we ever get there. I truly encourage you all to quit; if you don’t want to quit because you can’t get a job elsewhere, then maybe try to add some value and stop complaining.

IBM lanebdhz OP Aug 6, 2020

Lol must be one of the IBM lifers. Keep living that Stockholm syndrome dream. The problem is you keep hearing so many employees complain and leave and new ones come and do the same but you think they are all the same. The problem is there is in fact many lazy people i.e you and other IBM lifers. What about my post upsets you so much? The truth? The fact that IBM is a dying company that can't attract or retain talent?

IBM oddblockV2 Aug 6, 2020

Ok marketing troll.