LayoffsMar 13

IBM is slashing jobs in marketing and communications

IBM on Tuesday told employees in a roughly seven-minute meeting that it's cutting jobs in its marketing and communications division. IBM Chief Communications Officer Jonathan Adashek led the meeting, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. In December, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna told CNBC that the company was "massively upskilling all of our employees on AI." Officially Confirms some of posts in blind and LinkedIn from IBM employees. No word on how many are affected.

IBM is slashing jobs in marketing and communications
IBM is slashing jobs in marketing and communications
Hubspot top🤡talent Mar 13

Someone post that tongue-out Biden pic please 😛

Investment Bank Glinda Mar 15

I believe 8,000 will be impacted.

Hubspot top🤡talent Mar 15

That’s a lot of marketers. Wtf are they selling. Even drugs cartels don’t employ that much dealers.

LinkedIn gu34$ Mar 18

IBM is always cutting jobs or shutting down business units or selling parts of the business to other companies. The company hasn’t seen real growth in decades while the rest of tech industry took off and went from internet to mobile to cloud to AI.