
IBM referral

Need urgent IBM referral. Please comment if you can refer me. #referral #ibm #jobhunt #interviews #design #ui/ux

IBM gH39j Mar 10

Which business unit?

EY hdbxukalp5 OP Mar 10

I guess it’s IBM software from the job description.

EY hdbxukalp5 OP Mar 10

But does the business unit matter for a referral? I am looking for a job in UI/UX

IBM sjvekso Mar 10

I can refer

EY hdbxukalp5 OP Mar 10

DM’ed you

CarMax Design69 Mar 11

Hijacking this post to ask: are there are any visual designers at IBM on here? How many visual designers work there? How’s the culture and career progression?

Google nRym50 Mar 20

Used to work at IBM- lots of visual designers, great mature design program. I got a world class design education in my time working there and I grew considerably as a practitioner. I joined as a mid-level designer.