Misc.May 8

If you think your day is going bad - I’ll help you feel better.

We’re planning to buy a house but during the loan approval process I was told that my credit score is in the shitter because of which I can’t get a jumbo loan. I was at 800 earlier but I totally missed paying a $25, yes 20 f*cking 5 dollars on my credit card that I don’t even use but forgot that Amazon auto delivery still had it. Missed the payment for two months straight out of pure blindside. Now my credit score is 670. Yes a 130 points drop. I can’t get approved for the loan amount that I was looking for and also I can’t get the rate I was going to get. I sometimes don’t understand how can one person have this much bad luck. While others around me are waltzing their way through life 😞 TC: this is only good thing, $560k

LinkedIn f58thjYbz May 8

People have been laid off for months But yeah this puts things into perspective

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

True. I should count my blessings.

Google TdAB48 May 8

Yeah everyone in the US is waltzing their way wearing their diamond studded shoes. Get your head out of your ass

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

Sorry, if I came off that way. Didn’t mean to. Maybe I have a small sample size of those around me who are buying multiple homes while im struggling to buy my first.

Meta wbhq85 May 8

Call the credit card agency and tell them this happened by mistake. They will rectify it

Meta wbhq85 May 8

But yes this will affect your house buying in the short term because it can take months to reflect in your credit history and score

Goldman Sachs branched May 8

Do they really delete late payments?

Lattice latticapn May 8

Damn, comment section is not it… hang in there! Roadblocks pop up but you’ll get the house you’re meant to have! Hang in there!

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

Thank you, yeah I expected to be bodied in the comment section.

Meta wbhq85 May 8

@op This has happened to me, but I wasn't in a crunch situation like you. Basically nothing to worry about, it's not all lost and it's fixable. If you are lucky, interest rates might come down in the next few months 😝

Workday need ref May 8

Missed payments usually aren’t reported unless you REALLY missed it for over 60 days. You need to be more responsible with your finances if you’re going to purchase a home

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

Yeah I agree. I didn’t know about all this.

Microsoft MsMan May 8

You don’t have Auto Pay setup?

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

Yeah my mistake I did not

Airbnb nx_worries May 8

This is key.

Lyft bb2u May 8

It doesn’t sound like it was bad luck, more like your own oversight.

Snap BayAreaRes OP May 8

You can call it whatever. I believe in luck and that’s why I also believe in bad luck.

Fintech Company bayshark May 8

a few missed payments and a medical bill, and you're living in a tent in downtown sf

Google ABC-CEO May 8

Have a checking account in a big bank for life. Direct deposit your paycheck to this account. Memorize the routing and account number. Set up auto pay for all credit cards from this account right away.

Microsoft MsMan May 8

Why memorize routing and account number?

Google ABC-CEO May 8

To make it easy to pay bills and set up auto pay.

gotothegym May 8

You're earning a million dollars every 22 months. That should put a lot of things in perspective. People in the same industry as you have been having a terrible time. :)