Misc.Apr 11

I’m a top 1% blind influencer AMA

I always get the most engagement, the most polls and I’m willing to share this all still you, due to my unrivaled generosity to give back. A M A. I won’t even charge ask for my hourly contract rate of 378 a hour. This is purely a volunteer thing you lucky ducks. #tech #meta #google #amazon #netflix #apple #officialBlindInfluencer

13 Participants
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Meta InfraPM Apr 11

I think my manager at Meta Was both sexist and racist in how she pushes various people in the infra org onto pip. Is there anything I can do?

IMC CBHQ66 OP Apr 11

For you? No, nothing this day and age misandry towards men is encouraged and celebrated at Meta, hell it’s in the culture. What you can do is share your story and raise awareness, people may laugh now but when tables turn and men are fighting for rights it will be important to mark history. Our existence is but a blink of an eye to the universe. Only our history matters, not our present. If mankind reaches an age where we can resurrect the dead and outlive our doomed blink of existence. The only thing that helps you if you’re born outside of that futuristic realm is the history you leave behind. Is your accomplishments, your story or achievements worth resurrection? If not, I’m sorry to say but your life doesn’t matter. 75 years out of 8 billion people of trillions of years. Make your life matter. Because your futuristic existence depends on it.

Agero tomato0 Apr 11

I think I am better than my colleagues, but every time I even hint at it, they retort - "So you think you're better than me?", and I am taken aback with a surprise pikachu face. Senpai how do I assert dominance over my puny peers?

IMC CBHQ66 OP Apr 11

You’re not asserting dominance correctly. You just show them that thy sword is bigger than theirs.

Cummins QlSu46 Apr 11

I negotiated a higher pay than was offered during the interview. Hiring manager agreed but offered a higher position than was advertised to match this proposed compensation. Now, their expectations of me have gone through the roof and I am directly being compared against people who’ve been in similar role for decades who obviously have experience and history of things. This has led to them handing me out a petty merit increase. Is this fair? I understand the elevated expectation part but should merit assessment have been made based on a better metric like quality and quantity of work done/ duration of time spent in this role?

IMC CBHQ66 OP Apr 11

It’s not fair, first years usually have a separate performance management metric than people who have been there longer. An introductory metric.

Microsoft TSWl3t Apr 11

You don't even have MVP badge

Agero tomato0 Apr 11

not all heros wear capers

Amazon obscurous Apr 11

Yeah right

Amazon LemonMusk Apr 12

I hate the corporate life, even if I’m only working 20h / week. I hate being bossed around and being told what to do and how to do it. I’m at a point where I feel like YOLOing and quitting, then going all in on game development. Problem is, I’m a good developer but don’t have any success games out in the market, nor a brand name. How do I market my game successfully so that it generates 7 digits revenue? They say that a well advertised mediocre game performs far better than a poorly advertised blockbuster game.

IMC CBHQ66 OP Apr 12

Just make a game that’s similar to what’s popular on the market to start. Publish it and do whatever that company does to promote it. Go full Chinese on it. Then once you have some money you can develop what you actually want and you’ll have an audience.