In San Francisco salary

Is 200k/yr tc low for 5yoe in San Francisco? It feels like all my friends make more than I do. We started the same level ~110k in 2018 but them moving to FAANGS has really skyrocketed their salary in the 300+ range despite not being senior. Is this the norm? I'm a senior in a startup and so my equity means nothing. But it's kinda hard to hang out with them since they have started doing more lavish activities that I cannot afford. I have an insecurity that I'm not being competitive enough to stay in the same bracket as them. Is this normal? #engineering #swe #salarycomparison

Chime realloc🕵🏻‍♂️ Mar 12

For TC, that’s very low.

Oracle wmeB00 Mar 12

What lavish activities can distinguish 200k vs 300k TC?

American Express Hd374737 Mar 12

I make 200k in MCOL and live fine. With 300k probably I'd have a weekend car and/or would travel to more exotic locations Hope it helps

Apple aqw890 Mar 12

yes it is normal to feel this way, same feeling here. there is no solution except job hopping to raise it

ServiceNow jeksnw Mar 12

Very low. 5yoe should be between 200-350tc ime

Airbnb 540k Mar 12

For service now, staff/senior staff engineers are offered 350k tc. I doubt it’s very low for 5yoe

Nutanix 4yoe220k Mar 12

Lol. Airbnb speaking facts

Discord negative 0 Mar 12

Yeah. You're only in like the 95th percentile for your age

23andMe Aspt22 OP Mar 12

For my age sure but not for my profession AND age AND location

Discord negative 0 Mar 12

The poorest millionaire is still a millionaire.

Plaid kmartlvr Mar 12

Median household is 137k. Blind is an echo chamber bubble.

Snap pwoer Mar 12

Did you just say 137k and in the same sentence say Blind is a bubble?

Amazon sde3693 Mar 12

137k is the median where? Just Bay Area? Seems way too high for anywhere else, even other HCOL

Pandora bEwO82 Mar 12

The real question is are you happy?

Credit Karma UepE53 Mar 12

It’s a reasonable base for SF with that level of experience.