Legal CareerJan 12, 2022

In-house counsel at a tech company vs. non-tech company?

What is it like to work as in-house counsel at a non-tech company? (E.g., Starbucks, Retailer, etc.) Is one path more desirable to some folks? Why?

ASI™ xWqB10 Jan 13, 2022

Depends on what you want. I’ve been at a tech startup with no limit on VC funding and at an traditional insurance company. The tech start up paid more and had the chance to make more money through options. The insurance company didn’t even have work life balance. The life far outweighed the work. It got too boring though so I moved to tech. Ultimately I liked tech better. Everyone had a can do attitude and were more energetic. I don’t know about big tech though.

Google d11903 Jan 15, 2022

Iv'e worked at both. Working at a tech company is significantly better. At non-tech you're looked as a cost center, there are likely not going to be well established ladders for career progression, equity is not guaranteed or standardized, extremely bad benefits and perks that are standard in tech. Working at a non-tech should only be for the purpose of gaining in house experience that you can leverage to go in house at a tech company. No better place to be an in-house lawyer.

Baker & Hostetler MCB2817 Jan 15, 2022

I prefer being in tech. Typically higher compensation, more interesting and dynamic work, greater integration and collaboration with business/non-tech and tech teams.

Liberty Mutual Insurance syem Feb 17, 2022

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