Tech IndustryJul 12, 2019

Infra role in a good company?

What to pick between say being at Uber but working on one of their internal pages vs being at a less sought after company that pays lesser but I get to work on external customer facing products.. I've never worked on internal products in fact.. Always on external ones.. How's it diff? Will it be a problem when I want to move again? Do you still find it exciting and impactful? Yoe: 9 Tc: 250k

Snapchat bFCN68 Jul 12, 2019

Don't trade one for another. You want a brand? Work for a brand. You want high visibility? Work on visible projects.

Google batmobile Jul 12, 2019

I love working on core infra stuff at companies with good engineering. I feel like I would hate it at a company with bad engineering practices though since it's really easy for infra work to pile on tech debt.