CompensationJul 22, 2018

Intel grade 6 vs grade 7

Without going into too many details - Manager wants me to put in grade 6 bucket instead of 7. Even though I got 5 yoe, says relevant experience to the position is only 2/3 years. Also if I do go with grade 7, base will be 10K less. What should I do?

Microsoft ๐Ÿ„ wave ๐Ÿ„ Jul 22, 2018

Either walk away if you donโ€™t get what you want (in which case they *may* give it to you) or suck it up and take what they give.

Qualcomm bomdiggy OP Jul 22, 2018

Thanks genius. Those are the only options. I'm looking for more insight. Appreciate the comment though ;)

Microsoft ๐Ÿ„ wave ๐Ÿ„ Jul 22, 2018

Captain Obvious reporting for duty lol. But truly, you only have leverage with a competing offer or by willing to walk away in a situation like this. You know it and they know it. You could ask them to justify their position and you could counter-argue if you have knowledge of comparable hires. But itโ€™s all just best effort.

Qualcomm $/# Jul 22, 2018

Grade 7 has better stock and bonus multipliers. Also, it is the grade where you can become manager. I donโ€™t believe grade 6 pay will be more than grade 7 in anyway. May be the manager is bluffing. Per my understanding, there is no pay overlap between grades at intel. Ask for 7 is my take. Look at h1b application pah y thag is available from DOL. You will find put the prevailing wages ( or ranges ) for Intel.

Qualcomm bomdiggy OP Jul 22, 2018

Okay thanks for this. The recruiter is saying there is overlap. I think the recruiter doesnt know shit.

Intel CENJ52 Jul 23, 2018

There is pay (salary) overlap between grades. The stock and bonus multipliers are more specific to job grade. Good luck!

Qualcomm abc1iop Jul 22, 2018

is this asic or sw :)

Qualcomm bomdiggy OP Jul 24, 2018


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g555 Jul 22, 2018

Uh here I thought I would be a racist if I stereotyped people... Apparently it doesn't register with you.

TrueCar expbackoff Jul 22, 2018

Yep, racism is bad. I don't support it. If it seems to be the case, please report it.

SSmart Jul 22, 2018

Don't do it... Base is only a portion of the comp, look at TC ... I would never settle for lower comp/grade

Intel Orgueil Jul 22, 2018

There is pay overlap Between grade 6 and 7. It will take you at least 2-3 yrs to get to grade 7 if you join at 6. Take grade 7 as it has higher bonus and multipliers. Opportunity to get to leadership roles is easy at 7.

Intel FANGirl Jul 22, 2018

It may even take longer than 3 years due to politics and reorgs and other things out of your manager's control. So take Grade 7 or walk.

Intel FANGirl Jul 22, 2018

Walk if it is Grade 6. Grade 6 to Grade 7 is a big jump in promo effort because of the higher refreshers aka stock share levels (SSL1,2) that get introduced 7 and up. Grade 6 and below can only get SSL3 at most, no matter how much they kicked ass (EE or O) in the previous year. So if you get slotted in grade 6, I would walk. I'd rather be a grade 7 with a low base for grade 7 than a high grade 6, which should be similar in pay. If you do well, the higher SSL will compensate for the lower base relatively speaking. But SSL levels are also determined by the focal budget your group is given and what the grade levels your colleagues are. So you get peanut buttering many times where a Grade 7 gets an EE but SSL3 anyway. Still, Grade 7 SSL3 should be more than the Grade 6's SSL3. Grade 6 base is pretty shitty especially in the Bay Area. Median base is like 103k. You do have a 13% geo diff in Silicon Valley, so total cash is 116k.

Intel Dbryant Jul 22, 2018

As others have pointed out Grade 6-grade 7 jump would require few years. Take grade 7, be on the lower bracket of the pay for the grade and get higher increments. And staying in the same grade you will have more scope to improve. Grade 6 you would reach highest bracket quickly. Also do not worry about the 10k difference in base pay. The multiplier is at least double compared to grad 6 and better refreshers. Which would offset your difference in base.

Intel nFcq20 Jul 22, 2018

5yoe and getting gr7 is rare unless the team is desperate or you are exceptional.

Qualcomm bomdiggy OP Jul 23, 2018

I got the offer for grade 6. 120 base before 13% geo 30k sign on 11k Rsu over 4 years 12K total bonus. (1380 target num and 6.5% qpb) 13K relo. Good grade 6 offer but for someone with 2 yoe. My current TC is 140K in SD.