Tech IndustryJan 31, 2022

Intern referral for Software engineer summer 2022

Hello Every one I am looking for internship referral’s for any CS summer 2022 I am a international CS masters student at CAL STATE LONG BEACH. I almost applied to 200 + internships and no luck some of my friends applied through referral and they are successful. if your team is hiring or you know any positions in your company please let me know Thanks in advance#tech #teradata #ford #airlinesreporting #yahoo #dishnetwork #guidewirereferral #hubbell #motionai #paychex #walmart #snap #splunk #referral #addepar #internship

Bottomline btempl Oct 23, 2022

Hi, how did you make out? Also, why did Hubbell make your list? A recruiter reached out to me and they appear to be massive and offer some stability.