Tech IndustryAug 18, 2023
Capital OneNyc989nyc

Interview prep courses

Anyone knows how much interview kickstart costs for manager level training? I heard it’s quite expensive, are their cheaper options around? I am not targeting FAANG..

Amazon pipvictim😓 Aug 18, 2023

Finding peers for mock interviews would be a cheaper option

Oracle cagayush Aug 18, 2023

If you have more money just zelle me, but for prep just buy structy course . It costs like 100 bucks/year and watch take you forward playlist on YouTube and free leetcode top 150 interview questions That’s it , with above you can crack any interview .

ShipIt365 Aug 18, 2023

My backend course was $7500 in late 2021. I’m sure the manager course is more. Tbh for me it was worth it because my TC went from $125k to $190k and I legit only had ONE interview after the course. I was SO desperate and miserable at my $125k job that I just wanted out. They recommend interviewing at like 30 companies to try to get a few offers and then play them against each other. The course was intense. Not going to lie. Some instructors are WAY better than others. What helped me is if you get a bad one, I’d skim through a previously recorded lesson. Sometimes hearing the concept another way worked better for me. Also it’s by no means perfect. Although it definitely worked for me and I landed a much higher paying, more rewarding career, I still feel like they could improve a lot of what they do for the cost. For instance the office hours and live help was such a joke. You had to sign up on an excel sheet and you really only got like 10 minutes. Then they’d have to move onto the next person. So often I’d have to just figure it out and find another way to learn it myself. Would I do it again? For me, in the position I was in, absolutely. But if you’re already in FAANG or have a high salary, I’m not sure if the value proposition is there.

Cisco YCDq82 Aug 18, 2023

What is your current TC, YoE ? How is WLB in C1?

Cisco tjAm32 Aug 18, 2023

IK is terrible. They prey on fear and deliver squat.

Booz Allen Hamilton BbRN20 Aug 18, 2023

Sounds like you never did it.

eBay bvvjk Aug 18, 2023

I did not found it valuable if you’re target is FAANG companies. Their price is atrocious. Live classes will cover 2-3 medium easy questions and bunch of people asking irrelevant questions and wasting everyone’s time. Also, most teachers are not good except Omkar. Mock interviews are mostly done by L4s folks who just can’t evaluate senior folks. I was getting 3 in my mocks. Couldn’t clear most interviews Support period is abyss and they just leave you hanging without any path forward. One’s feels really scammed in support period. I’d rather study grokking courses and start giving mock interviews on pramp and Domain classes are unstructured mess. Resume and LinkedIn review are just not worth it they’ll write some random stuff and no one bothers to check in with you.