Interview rejection email from Amazon

I received this rejection email from Amazon recruiter: Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to interview with us. After careful deliberation, the team decided to pursue other candidates at this time. When you interview with Amazon, we look at the comprehensive picture of your career experiences against our Leadership Principles and technical functional areas. So to highlight one or two things would not be fair. But as you could tell from the interview questions, we are looking for specific examples and experiences that you have acquired over the years. The collection (and recollection) of those experiences led us to the decision that we have made. So don’t beat yourself up by thinking that you could have done something different. If I could offer ONE piece of advice, it would be to reflect upon your examples that you gave and how relevant were they to the position in which you were interviewing for. And with that, how detailed did you go and were your examples broad enough or deep enough for the position in which you interviewed? Just food for thought.” I'm trying to improve myself and do better the next time. Can someone offer me some tips on how to answer Leadership principles next time? #engineering #swe #amazon #interview

Yahoo wfhfwfhfw Dec 13, 2020

It was just not your day OP. Have some challenging examples that are close to your heart. Of course should be technical. You can start documenting things that you're currently working on. You can start from even today and get polished stories in next 6 months. Continue to be curious at your work. These rejections doesn't define you. I know dumb people in Amazon who will not even crack their own interviews in terms of leadership principles.

SCCE Alamishere Dec 13, 2020

This doesn’t seem like automated email. Does Amazon always reply like this?

zaddy 🤌 Dec 13, 2020

Don’t worry, they already found who they intend to pip. You were too good for them.

Amazon gGKK13 Dec 13, 2020

It looks like LPs, beyond this it is hard to say without being on the specific loop. The general idea in this and other interviews is to have good specific examples which show you from a good light and exemplify one of the principals. Cut off all the negative examples, don't blame others etc. In the end your interview fate is decided in a 30 min debrief where interviewers go over their assigned competencies and HM decides based on the input whether to hire or not (BR holding veto power). While the process is formalised the error bars are still high and sometimes one or two wrong angles in the response can cut the candidate off. Don't despair and if I can give one advice it would be: never stop trying!

dfgabxZ Dec 13, 2020

Watch Dan Croitor on youtube

Amazon nyPn83 Dec 13, 2020

"Don't beat yourself up thinking you could have done something different" "Here's what you could have done different to probably get the job" This recruiter has a PhD in double speak and doesn't know how to turn it off

IBM gtrB43 Dec 13, 2020

I got the exactly same reject email lol

roadtofang Dec 14, 2020

Amazon, interviews are a combination of mathematics and marketing .If you know the variables and are able to showcase them then it is easy otherwise it will take some time to figure them out. Therefore I agree with that email - it is nothing to beat your self about just sit down and reflect on what they were looking for and did you provide them that data in a clear concise and easy manner . This is based on my experience running and helping many candidates make it through.

Rakuten abrnarsee Nov 19, 2021

Interestingly, this email made me curious as to what my rejection will look like I sat for interviews which went through for about a month Then now, it's been more than 22 days since last interview which was the bar raiser Not having heard for that long is kind of indicative of a negative feedback - and this letter made me curious as to what mine would lool like :)) Ah, rejections... Damn things :)) Wish OP the best - everything happens for the good in one way. Maybe years later, with hindsight being 20/20 always, you'll gain more on this one failure