Intuit offer evaluation: Senior Software Engineer: Mountain View CA

Intuit offer evaluation: Senior Software Engineer: Mountain View CA

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Senior Software Engineer
San Francisco, CA, US • Senior
TC: $243K
ex-Netflix swe-etc May 16

The equity looks very low, just 120K over 4 years ?

Amazon TechV OP May 16

Yeah, I felt it's low, too.

ex-Netflix swe-etc May 16

Push for 250

Adobe remain123 May 16

yoe? intuit lowballs a lot

Google qaqaqa May 16

Aren't you earning more than that already?

Amazon TechV OP May 16

Nope. Current TC is way lower than this.

Roku kGoa35 May 18

so what are you pondering about then?? "they'll pay me way more than i get but IDK... am i getting screwed here?" you are killing me bro

Microsoft sawcy May 16

2 YoE?

Amazon TechV OP May 16

5-6 yoe.

Microsoft sawcy May 16

Keep interviewing unless it's urgent

State Street onlyCRUD May 16

Hi Op, I got rejected from Inuit for senor swe position. May I know your tech stack

Intuit pushinppp May 16

Stay away from Intuit… it’s a dead end

Chime Grubgrub May 16

Can you please share more?

Intuit pushinppp May 16

Dead end, slow pathetic jealous and tax, accounting, stay put imo

SurveyMonkey CkRf21 May 16

Congrats ! Which team ?

Meta snnosks May 16


Mailchimp jdecs May 16

Standard entry offer. Although equity could be little higher 40-45k per year. We have stock refreshers so you can expect additional 15-20k stocks every year. Top of the band entry offer for SF is Base : 200-210k Bonus : 15% Stocks: 50-60k yearly ~ 285-300k Median offer is around 250-265k Base: 180-200k Bonus: 15% Stocks: 35-45k

Pure Storage purefect May 16

Well, it's not Amazon, so that's a win.