Investing in ESPP in Microsoft

Is there benefit in spending in ESPP in MS ? How much fee is there for any transaction ? Can we sell both ESPP and rsu in one transaction ? It seems we get discount in what's there in last month stock price. There is no locking on price like Adobe. #stocks #espp

lcbad Jun 4, 2020

RSU and ESPP are in different accounts. RSU in managed by Morgan Stanley, ESPP by Fidelity. The advantage is free money! You get guaranteed 10% return if you sell when they are in account, I think upto 25k, so it's guaranteed 2500, of course minus taxes. Downside is your pay check for each 3 months that you enroll in ESPP are very small, and you get all of it back plus 10% return at the end of quarter. Of couse you don't have to sell immediately.

Microsoft vyKy34 Jun 4, 2020

RSU are not managed by Morgan Stanley only. You get a option to choose your account with either Morgan or Fidelity.