Women in TechJun 27, 2018
Tableaumsft now

Invisible rules

I'm a female engineering manager. I've recently attended a diversity talk and found it very enlightening. Almost everything she said I agree with. Curious to hear if other women and men agree with the content as much as I do. Here is one of the older reconditioning https://m.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=LkTYC2x_NH4

MGT 625 - Invisible Rules
MGT 625 - Invisible Rules
NIO TCor Jun 27, 2018

Why do "diverse" employees rarely talk about technical chops and instead keep whipping out their cards away every given opportunity?

Google 🍑☁️ Jun 27, 2018

I think you are not controlling for confirmation bias here

Microsoft blups Jun 28, 2018

OP is fair to share her view. No need to be rude against someone's views. I think diversity will help humanity in the long run. Also, I would like to be surrounded by more than 20% of females in my life, to be frank.

marigold Jun 28, 2018

Totally agree. Thanks for sharing, OP

PayPal zNMy88 Jun 28, 2018

oP thanks for sharing

Google noname001. Jun 28, 2018

Technical chops, or GTFO

Tableau dontbribe Jun 28, 2018

Maybe the technical chops should be assumed and you open your ear holes and mind.

Tableau fBCz83 Jul 5, 2018

The problem of diversity is that Technically strong people who aren’t white men don’t get the chance to demonstrate their ability because the fact that they look different creates emotional (not logical) barriers to effective communication. If you care about truth, create an emotionally safe environment in order to see deeper. Or, maintain a confrontation based tribal view of the world to propagate the status quo and avoid gaining new perspectives. Women are half of the world. Why do they hover around 25% in tech? Multiple studies have demonstrated the industry is rife with discrimination. Women don’t get equal pay for equal work, they don’t get the same opportunity for advancement, and to succeed most need to perform two levels above their male peers. Some of the best leaders I’ve worked with were women with strong technical chops. I’ve seen first hand men in meetings repeating women’s ideas immediately after they say them, and the room granting credit to the man. Be thoughtful, be kind, be informed. If you aren’t helping people, why do you work?

Tableau fBCz83 Jul 5, 2018

@noname001 low and dropping enrollment of women in STEM and particularly Eng/CS is a red flag and further evidence indicating that we as an industry are failing to create an inclusive culture attractive to people with diverse personal perspectives. Companies do not randomly sample who to interview nor do they offer to all qualified candidates. The relatively higher rate of employment statistics may reflect a bias toward including female candidates in interviews. I have seen no evidence to suggest female candidates have easier loops. There is however strong evidence that women doing equal jobs are underpaid and under-promoted relative to men.

Amazon strongsad7 Jun 28, 2018

Can someone post the points of the video? (OP i think you'll get more discussion if you don't require a 30 minute video pre work. Or at least better discussion than "derp derp girls don't have tech chops derp derp.")

Tableau msft now OP Jun 28, 2018

Men and women have radically different ideas of what it means to be a team player. · Our meeting behaviors are different. For men, the meeting often doesn't happen in the meeting and women may not know this. · Women often use disclaimers, hedges, and tag questions in their linguistic behavior which can backfire when talking to men. · Our non-verbal communication is different. For example, when women nod it means "I hear you," while men nod in agreement. · These differences are not right or wrong but they can result in confusion and conflict. By making these INVISIBLE RULES visible, Dr. Heim provides the basis for better understanding, communication and teamwork.

TuneIn Spelmanson Jun 28, 2018

Why is this a trend nowadays to try separate society (by race, by gender, by sexual preferences, by whatever). Should we try unite people, not separate them? It’s a big BS ^^^ that women and men are different, all people basically the same and different at the same time, but differences is in the personality not in the gender or whatever

Tableau msft now OP Jun 28, 2018

You are right that we are very similar. The way to think about it is each family has different traditions and holidays. When you get married, you usually learn about your spouse's family traditions (and when you don't, your relationships are not as close and productive.). On the similar note, it is useful to understand how men and women might do things differently so at least you don't get confused, think that you are treated unfairly, get upset.

Microsoft GUekd Jul 2, 2018

I might get flamed here but if that talk was done by a man would he not have gotten roasted for making such big “sexist” sweeping statements about the differences between men and women? Don’t mean to detract from the points made as I think many of them could be valid. But couldn’t help but think that everything said could sound sexist if it had been said by a man...

TuneIn Spelmanson Jul 2, 2018

Not if that was done by the black man

Amazon JaffBezos Jul 16, 2018

Even if it were done by a man, the same points would be valid - she was just explaining different body language based on socialization. She repeatedly stated one isn't better - just different. I'm familiar with some of the studies she mentioned. It's never ALL or NONE in those studies but statistically significant where one group tended to do something differently. Doesn't mean that all men and women do things in that way.

Amazon JaffBezos Jul 16, 2018

This was so helpful! I remember a guy telling me to interrupt more because I let people speak too much and I was baffled! I have trouble code switching, and this gave me a lot to consider.

Uber DetergentX Jul 16, 2018

Isn’t this basically what James Damore was saying?