Is Airbnb the best Tech company?

Is Airbnb the best tech company to work at? Change my mind. - high pay, strong refresh - remote first - good wlb - secure (at least employees aren’t concerned for their job security) - good ceo - no layoffs after Covid TC: 350K

160 Participants
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LinkedIn ddffg Feb 8

Then why blind score only 3.7?

Meta mgfy64 Feb 8

Stock tank and layoffs

Twitch MOKW51 Feb 8

Roblox is the highest

ex-Maxar Technologies iµne Feb 8

They make what?

Microsoft pls ficks Feb 10

Make people feel at home at Global scale 🌎

Uber 4.78rate Feb 8

please educate me but what about airbnb tech is impressive?

Pinterest 7hdi9rd Feb 8

Cmon man it’s a job.

Playboy mr_brobot Feb 8

My eslint config 🤣

Volkswagen of America IDGJ50 Feb 8

Airbnb’s product sucks. For the renters, for the owners, and for society in general. Answer: No

R/GA heyitsmme Feb 10

I agree with this. Ultimately the problem with Airbnb is the entire path to growth is completely in conflict with people’s ability to live. I don’t see how that ends well for them

Roku A*H*KGoa32 Feb 8

Yeah. They only laid off during covid shutdown After that, there is 0 layoff and 0 competition

Apple ttl933 Feb 8

The best one and very hard to get a call.

Amazon quzbfkej\ Feb 8

Airbnb narrative is shifting, its a cool company to work at but idk about their long term prospects.

LinkedIn lc_warrior Feb 8

How long term? They’re growing and incredibly profitable every quarter.

Amazon quzbfkej\ Feb 9

Countries / cities are beginning to ban airbnbs. People are furious at the company here in Australia. Same in the rest of the world, london for another example. People are seriously seriously fed up with airbnb in sydney fyi. They are implementing penalties for airbnb hosts. If it keeps up I can see growth slowing and $abnb losing their growth multiple.

Comcast HighFidelt Feb 9


Amazon lfjgismhw Feb 9

They also have extremely tough interviews with LC hards. But I agree, ABNB is top tier, better than FAANG.

Airbnb tooBroke!! Feb 9

Awww, thank you. ♥️