Is Clean Code legit?

I tend to move back and forth between thinking it's a good idea for creating software and thinking it's over the top, dogmatic garbage. I seem to have the worst luck when it comes to how my colleagues at a given time feel too. When I discovered it and put some of the concepts into practice at work to make our code more testable, my colleagues complained that I was being too "enterprisey". When I changed how I work to be more pragmatic, eschewing some of the patterns, embracing some of their philosophy like "YAGNI", all was well. But then later, my new colleagues said I should put more thought into my software's architecture. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Is there a balance that's worth chasing after?

Stripe StNextNext Dec 1, 2022

Congrats. You've discovered that code quality is highly subjective.

dirty6 Dec 1, 2022

maybe stop writing shit bootcamp-tier code

Uber hfHH16 Dec 1, 2022

Just understand that it’s a concept. When sprinkled lightly it’s good. When taken to extreme it’s hot garbage.

Oracle Patrick⭐️ Dec 1, 2022

If their reasoning is that the code is “too enterprisey”, then that means they can’t find a real flaw with clean code. They just sound lazy

KnowBe4 Gyqs07 Dec 1, 2022

No one ever: “can you make this code less enterprise grade and more startup like”

DigitalOcean lefghourd OP Dec 1, 2022

Yeah it was a team at a previous employer where the most seniority was less than one year of industry experience. I still feel like I was in the right there. xD And, when I say "using some of the patterns to make code more testable", I mean just adding a parameter to a constructor to enable dependency injection, allowing fakes to be used during tests, minimizing the system under test.

Akuna Capital fatcat95 Dec 1, 2022

Yes. You have to learn the rules first to be able to break them. Keep using them, and you’ll eventually develop an intuition on whether or not it’s useful in that specific context.