Is Huawei a good move?

Hi, I am currently doing an interview for Huawei to work on the ARM architecture on the software/optimization side, is it a good move? As many companies are moving to this arch like Apple, I thought it could be good in future. Looking at the review it doesn't look very good inside... TC 135k

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Google Mr. Pichai Mar 16, 2022

Don’t. Even if you are a native Chinese speaker, the culture is really bad.

AMD Mhje76 OP Mar 16, 2022

Non Chinese here...

Instacart JWxy13 Mar 16, 2022

Never work for Chinese companies. Xi can send your CEO on permanent vacation or delete your stock. US can declare you a national security risk overnight and you lose your job and stock. WLB is terrible, Chinese will always come first in the company, and if you're a US citizen you shouldn't be helping our enemies develop silicon technology.

ARM RByN54 Jul 8, 2022

It's good if you don't care about wlb. BTW, how is wlb jn amd?