Misc.Apr 14, 2019

Is IOT just a hype?

Most of the stuff I see is just hype and lots of solutions looking for a problem. The analytics and nifty GUI/dashboards look impressive but do mainstream companies even need that sort of stuff all the time on all the data being generated and stored? Will customers ever embrace all the ML/AI based stuff thrown around and start to pay for it continually? Most companies have had these kind of custom solutions architected inhouse for several decades and might feel irritated to see some young data scientists claim that they have invented something new in the name of IOT buzzwords. Thoughts?

Google go ogle Apr 14, 2019

IoT is a bubble ripe for bursting. I quit IoT and switched to a more recession-proof field. I realized it was time to quit when I was asked to add blockchain somewhere.

Airbnb aEFO20 Apr 15, 2019


Amazon bayyyzoes Apr 14, 2019

Turns out we were getting along just fine without our coffee makers talking to our curling irons.

Panasonic Avionics Mr. Burns Apr 14, 2019

There’s a lot of legacy systems that haven’t been looked at for years. What’s happening now are these legacy system providers are looking at it and saying the software/services will make us more money than the hardware. So it’s a bit of a land grab to become the “ios” of iot. Problem is, it just doesn’t scale like a media company is used to. Check out fang, 4 out of 5 are media companies with amazon essentially turning into one.

Barclays PLC FAANGHNTER Apr 14, 2019

IOT is inherently stupid. You don't need it except in critical equipments like dangerous mine shafts or oil rig equipment. IOT in home appliances is a meme. Whenever I see an ad for Alexa or Home I just want to .....

T-Systems tyranIT Apr 14, 2019

Yeah, industrial/manufacturing use case, shipping/logistics...I can see the ROI....but that blockchain, AI/ML super glue into "every cloud Leonardo,Azure, AWS, GCP , and every other "magical platform" hype is exhausting.

Google AIMLOK Apr 14, 2019

Internet of Shitty Things

Google icf Apr 14, 2019

The field needs a company actually interested in improving a consumer product instead of having a sensor/another entry point inside the home.

Google go ogle Apr 14, 2019

The problem with consumer IoT is that there is no problem waiting for solution (while we can make toaster talk to the microwave, there is no need whatsoever). Industrial IoT is more promising, but so far it is yet to prove that it is more than just a bunch of buzzwords.

Uber IamDara Apr 15, 2019

I believe far in the future iot is everywhere. But right now cost is just too high