Is Leetcode premium worth it if you have an interview coming up?

Is it worth it if you have a FAANG interview coming up? If so, how would you make the most of it? YOE: 3 Blind tax: 80k

39 Participants
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Google G‌oogle Apr 26

$159 for securing a $200k+ FAANG job? Best effing investment ever. I buy it without second thoughts

BRP Heys41 OP Apr 26

What’s your strategy when using it though? Filtering questions by company and question frequency or is there something more to it?

Apple swagolas Apr 26

No, just go to Discord server and use #leetcode-bot.

BRP Heys41 OP Apr 26

Never heard of it, will take a look, thanks!

Oracle grot Apr 26

nice suggestion. but the bot only shows some 30 questions per company. is that all u get in leetcode premium. P. S. NOT complaining. just curious

Amazon IVY55 Apr 26

One of the best ROIs, why would you not invest in yourself.

Microsoft jRRR76 Apr 26

I agree. I bought the premium and did the most frequently asked & company tagged top questions

LinkedIn junkedIn Apr 26

its convenient so was worth it for me…you can find company specific questions in many places tho

Microsoft whkN62 Apr 26

You can also get the same content at

Twilio tEiY31 Apr 26

How to filter based on company ?

Amazon YoWTF Apr 26

It's so cheap compared to how much you can make in software roles. That being said, for best ROI, you should just practice a lot of problems and get better at leetcode in general. For that, you don't really need the premium. But this will take time and effort, and this will ensure that you don't have to keep coming back to leetcode grind everytime you have an interview coming up.

Microsoft jRRR76 Apr 27

Thank you Yo. I have an Amazon L4 loop next week. I did each question on Blind 75 4-5 times now (skipped DP, Hard, and Premium questions). Is that enough to pass the 3 coding rounds? thank you!

Amazon YoWTF Apr 27

Depends upon the interviewers you get tbh, Microsoft. But I’d say don’t skip anything from Blind-75, those are classic problems. You should understand each one of those. You can ignore the premium ones (maybe do Alien Dictionary though)