Tech IndustryApr 18, 2020

Is Snapchat still a good company to join?

Asking for a friend. Is Snapchat still a good company to join? In terms of Engineering Culture and growth. Tc: 215k

Snapchat uOkV57 Apr 18, 2020

Depends on which office but overall yes

Amazon Dhtsvsjzh OP Apr 18, 2020

What's the difference between Seattle office and LA office?

Uber hs82/2$wn Apr 18, 2020

What are the different offices like?

Google sundarIs Apr 18, 2020

no one cares if you’re asking for a friend

Facebook Liveness Apr 19, 2020

I laughed out loud — it bewilders me that this is still a very common thing on this anonymous Internet forum.