Misc.Oct 25, 2018

Is The End of Western Civilisation Upon Us?

It seems like everyday I read a story of some vocal minority hijacking the narrative and trying to ram their agenda through. It makes me sick knowing my great grandfather died in WW1 so this pathetic excuse of a human could try to tarnish the memory of the great men who died fighting against tyranny. I fear we have gone past the point of not return and it will only get worst. SJW and Marxists will stop at nothing short of absolute and total destruction of everything western civilisation was built and fought for. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6315595/Fury-student-union-president-vows-tear-white-men-WWI-mural.html

Student union president vows to tear down 'white men' WWI mural
Student union president vows to tear down 'white men' WWI mural
Mail Online
47 Participants
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Oath badassmf Oct 25, 2018

What is your solution to preserve western civilization?

PeerStreet Qjeb8snt3 OP Oct 25, 2018

To start start calling out Bigoteers (those who profit from generating outrage by playing identity politics) and actively work to take away any power they have to minimise their damage I’m surprised this girl still has her student president position. Simply ridiculous

Oath badassmf Oct 25, 2018

What is identity politics? If you follow dictionary.com definition https://www.dictionary.com/browse/identity-politics Both parties are engaged in identity politics, both parties are using same tribal tactics. If we really want to preserve western civilization we should stop fighting like primitive tribal societies.

Microsoft gfba68 Oct 25, 2018

How dare people who aren't white ask for the same rights as everyone else!

Amazon onMyWay Oct 25, 2018

What rights do they not have?

Microsoft gfba68 Oct 25, 2018

Have you tried asking them?

Google sadid Oct 25, 2018

Most people conflate Western Civ with a handful of ideas around individual liberty and impartial rule of law. Also the belief that rationality can inform moral decisions. Basically they don't mean Western Civ, they mean modernity. The new religion built around the concept of "whiteness" and its imagined all pervasive (but not directly measurable) negative influence flies in the face of rationality, impartiality, and individuality. It is non modern in the sense that it is not rational or objective (#ListenAndBelieve) and in that it holds entire groups culpable for collective "crimes" which negates individuality. Modernity has bad things about it. It couldn't last forever. We're just reverting back to the normal human condition of having tribal superstitious societies. Only we are laughably calling the process of reverting to this mode getting #woke. Lower class White people are scared because in this new society they are becoming an out group. Being an out group sucks. Just ask Jewish people in pre WWII Europe.

Microsoft gfba68 Oct 25, 2018

It is measurable, though. Or at least, the effects are. It's not whiteness, though. It's an accident of history that Europe grew so dominant over the last 500 years vs some other continent. It's axiomatic that whoever is the dominant group will set up institutions to benefit themselves, not explicitly at the expense of others but that is often the end result. Nobody "blames" white people for anything. I think it is both rational and objective in that we can form hypotheses and test them. You have to separate the sometimes ridiculous actions of a theory's advocates frim the theory itself.

Google sadid Oct 25, 2018

Sure. You measure differences in group outcome and claim that is evidence for oppression by white people. Handily ignoring successful groups (so called "model minorities"). Your methods are terribly shoddy. The reason people accept this "evidence" is that they are afraid of ostracism. Insofar as white people not being attacked... Please. Only white people who attack other white people and denounce themselves are protected. This is exactly what it looks like to be oppressed ironically. When a social system is against you, you must self abnegate to get ahead. This is probably why Jewish people became so good at self deprecation over the centuries. This is our world now. I get along just fine in it, but I will not lie about what it really is.

Intel Sodh719$ Oct 25, 2018

Don’t worry, the Boomers will save us on Election Day.

eBay Jbcb Oct 25, 2018

Western civ went downhill after Martin Luther started posting shit and formed the whole church