COVID-19Mar 15, 2020

Is US falling behind on medical technology or does the government intentionally throttle the testing of COVID19?

I thought US has the best med schools and the most advanced medical technology in the world. How is the US falling behind Korea and China in term of virus testing? There could only be two explanation. Which one do you believe?

279 Participants
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HasanMinaj Mar 15, 2020

Have you ever visited Singapore?

Amazon cirnrnck Mar 21, 2020

i have but didn’t get sick there what can u tell us?

Verizon Media Igpay02 Mar 15, 2020

Biased polls are biased

Microsoft LC#hard OP Mar 15, 2020

How's it biased?

Verizon Media Igpay02 Mar 15, 2020

You assume it’s a binary choice based on misinformation on your end

Recession Mar 15, 2020

You have long ass paragraphs for your options. How did you get into Microsoft?

Microsoft LC#hard OP Mar 15, 2020

By having long ass paragraphs

Recession Mar 15, 2020

Good! Let’s hope you don’t get kicked out for your long ass paragraphs

Amazon ooopsies Mar 15, 2020

None of the options. It’s the incompetence of the administration to tackle the logistics of it.

Netflix bRrvsy67 Mar 15, 2020

That’s dumb and factless

Amazon ooopsies Mar 15, 2020

Oh no 🤭 Let me see in my bag of fucks if I have any left to give for your opinion. Nope empty.

FeEL05 Mar 15, 2020

Holy shit 75% for option 1? On which planet do y’all live :D

Apple TrjD37 Mar 15, 2020

US has the best research hospitals in the world (Stanford, Mayo Clinic, JHU, Harvard etc.) but the problem at hand isn’t can we test for the virus it’s can we set up the logistics of mass virus testing across the country. That’s not the job of hospitals and med schools that’s the job of the administration. We do not have the best president / administration in the world. Also countries like South Korea, Italy are much smaller and more connected so it’s a logistically easier problem

Amazon Beard87 Mar 22, 2020

Most of our medical resources and innovation lies in the Private Sector and these companies have been doing what is best for their bottom line. In many cases this involves fighting against the FDA's red tape for most of their existence. To get all of these companies to get on the same page and follow the government's direction is a major undertaking. No other president/administration would or could have done better in this day and age.

Google Candace Mar 24, 2020

Exactly. The government is not your mommy, Apple.

Sony LDCM75 Mar 15, 2020

They don’t matter when Americans voted for the idiot.

Netflix bRrvsy67 Mar 15, 2020

Did you call Obama idiot?

Amazon lSqs55 Mar 15, 2020

Pretty sure Trump is the idiot being referred to based on context. Though calling him a habitual liar with cognitive and behavioral problems of a toddler is more accurate.

Apple ijyA68 Mar 15, 2020

The correct answer is that the US has worse regulations that stalled the acquisition of test kits because the CDC was forced to create their own.

QTdN03 Mar 15, 2020

^ This. We have the best medical technology, but the worst bureaucracies.

Amazon lSqs55 Mar 15, 2020

Why do you say CDC was forced to make their own? I know we refused to WHO's offer of their test kits but don't know why. What regulation specifically caused this?

Intel Typhoid M Mar 15, 2020

CDC is a bureaucratic mess like most of the US federal government.

Amazon lSqs55 Mar 15, 2020

Given Trump didn't want to let people off the Diamond Princess to keep the numbers low, I'm sure there is pressure to test as little as possible. But I'm sure there are other factors at play but not sure what, other than incompetence and abnormal priorities of Trump and people he has appointed. CDC was able to create test kits for US and other countries in previous epidemics so I don't think it's technology we're behind in.