Is everyone on Blind interviewing at Meta?

Seems like it based on other posts, please vote on this poll even if you are not (provided options for not interviewing / interested as well.) Assume a time frame of just the past 3 months (I guess Nov 2023) when Meta started interviewing again.

143 Participants
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PayPal techCog Jan 30

Hahaha, you are missing the option: [ ] Desperate Facebook recruiters have been contacting me every month for years on end, still not interested. Don’t want to work for the company due to concerns about the harms of social media.

Microsoft 2024😐 OP Jan 30

"Not interested 🥱" would be the option, but I agree I could have split that into more options, didn't want to have too many options though 😅

GitHub 3975542768 Jan 30

I had to send sternly worded messages twice to get removed from their contact list. They are basically the digital phillip morris.

Microsoft tinybigbro Jan 30

How do I get contacted?

Amazon oIFW35 Jan 30

Where is “in interview pipeline” option?

Fintech Company gotex Jan 30

The problem with interviewing for Meta is that I’m now finding only they (and perhaps other big tech companies) interview that way. It’s a lot of prep that can’t be reused. If you know of any companies that also leetcode and do system design the same way let me know so I can put my prep to use. Failed at Meta I believe due to being too slow in coding round (unable to finish coding second question). I’m finding other companies have completely bespoke processes and frustratingly a lot of take homes.

Meta notBozz Jan 30


Uber gjxja Jan 30


Amazon t1zAD Jan 31

holy shit this is amazon levels of sad