Is job hopping the only way to catch-up on inflation in America?

0-2% avg raise if you're meeting expectations. 4-5% avg raise if you're exceeding expectations. 2-15% raise if you're promoted which means you were performing at the next level at least for the last 6-12 months. TC 230K peanuts 🥜 #swe #software #engineering

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InterDigital uyTiNFjF Apr 28

What's your yoe op ?

Qualcomm sameboat Apr 28

Bitter truth, yes. Don’t expect them to increase a buck without new offer in hand.

Coinbase #refactor Apr 28

It's the only W2 option, yes. You can also find ways to fix or reduce expenses, barter for services that don't require income, build up a side gig, invest in the market. The relative prices of different scenarios are worth considering too, not everything has inflated at the same rate. When it was $20 to feed a family of four with fast food, the math was a bit harder to justify. In some areas it's now $50 for the same amount of fast food. Comparing that to a $5 Costco chicken or a $20 Mexican platter is different now.

Apple gat.mister Apr 28

Yes, but only to a certain limit (maybe like 400k TC minus getting lucky with a particular stock). At some point I think you need to have good connections within a company to advance further