
Is manager lying to me

New to this team. 13 months. I’ve been working super hard, working after hours and grinding trying to climb the ladder quickly and promo. Whenever I ask for feedback from manager, they say I’m a stellar performer and one of the best in the team, but they don’t give me any mid year RSU or end year RSU refreshers and raise was below inflation rate. Super low, basically a pay cut and IPF was lower than I expected. I know someone else from a different team, they received 50k mid year RSU and some more end of year and higher raise and they’re avg performer. I’ve delivered a bunch of high impact customer visible features and I know my work ethics. Are they lying to me? Do they not want me around? Do they not care if I work hard or not? Are they racist because I’m not same race as them? TC: 🥜 - obv I work for #Cisco #tech

Cadence yttgvdon Jan 29

Just stop working so much

Cisco FredCisco OP Jan 29

I feel bad if I’m on company time and not working. It’s like stealing

Chime Hyped 🦙 Jan 29

Terrible advice. Some people enjoy their work. Some people get stressed out when they’re not doing enough. The answer is not to stop working as much, but to move to a place that recognizes and rewards you for the work you enjoy doing.

VideoAmp MnDd62 Jan 29

Most likely not lying if you’re new to the team. The other team’s project(s) were probably higher business impact/visibility than your team’s project(s). Or the other team’s manager is better at playing the corporate chess game to secure a bigger slice of the raise budget.

Cadence proxy_life Jan 29

If it's less than a year . Mostly the review and ratings tend to be disappointing but standard , don't sweat too much . > 2 then you need to be concerned .

Cisco FredCisco OP Jan 29

I updated the post. It’s been a little over a year.

Cisco FredCisco OP Jan 29

And I know for a fact that I’m a high performer. If I compare how much I get done to other coworkers in the team, it’s a huge difference. Some people take two weeks to finish a one day task.

EPAM Systems atleast Jan 29

I have a colleague who works like 5 people but fails to raise his head above the water and communicate it. So the skip does not understand his contribution and other folks on the team can’t relay either. Not saying it is your case, just sharing mistakes that lead to misconceptions between what a) what person delivers b) what person perceives she delivers c) what others think she delivers

Microsoft gtfoannoy Jan 29

The only place you should give 101% should be your own company.

Cisco jxXQ52 Jan 29

You are not Indian right?

jk202987 Jan 31

You can’t expect too much from Cisco. It really depends on the team bonus and RSU budget. It’s better not to compare with others. There is always someone who gets more money but work less harder than you.

Cisco xkHj51 Feb 1

It all depends on BU

Cisco sdeo31 Feb 2

Different team have different budget

Cisco FredCisco OP Feb 2

We’re in the same BU and my team’s work has higher impact and is generating a lot of revenue so I doubt that they have more budget than my team

Cisco kd7srn Feb 3

First year I delivered like a mf and got no refresher, next year I got a 2x external offer and gtfo