
Is there a gender pay difference?

Every time I try to ask this question in public, I end up hearing some political rant on either side of the spectrum. Is there a pay difference between men and women, at least in the United States? If so, it sounds very dated and I wanted to know why this is the case. #paygap #genders

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Intuit ghotala Apr 30

Stirring the hornets nest I see.

GitHub GPThomas OP Apr 30

"I want the truth!"

Twilio H4d35 Apr 30

Some of it is that women don’t get promoted as easily as men and so obviously they’ll get paid less. A lot of times they get held back based on fuzzy things like not enough years of experience (even when there is) or not confident/assertive enough or too assertive/not likable which are impossible to overcome - and not based on quality of deliverables.

Affirm kxrsena Apr 30

Yes - women on avg get paid more now despite the narrative because most women work desk jobs or non-labor-intensive jobs.

Amazon iHaPHm Apr 30

Levels FYI just came out with their annual gender pay gap review, among SDE 1 women reportedly make more than men, but make less at every other level. If I had to guess, it's because the recent push for gender inclusion and equality in the industry only really impacts newer hires, whereas more tenured folk joined when the gender disparity was wider

Amazon miscreants Apr 30

Women tend to score high in agreeableness which is detrimental to self advocacy.

Credit Karma ird61064 Apr 30

There is no need to wonder or ask. The census has the info. According to the Census Bureau, in 2022, women earned 84 cents for every dollar earned by men working full-time, year-round. This is a 27.4 cent increase from 1973, when women earned 56.6 cents for every dollar men earned. However, the gap is wider for women of color, with Black women earning 67 cents and Hispanic women earning 57 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men. The gender pay gap also varies by education level, with women with less than a high school diploma or equivalent earning the least, and women with a bachelor's degree earning the most.

Amazon miscreants Apr 30

This disparity reverses when you look at same job pay. At the same job, same level, with the same experience women get paid more. Your “analysis” above also avoids addressing personal preference.

Amazon miscreants Apr 30

This is one example of many, but yes, women are paid more than men for equal jobs. However, men over the long term tend to pursue higher paying careers, have more tenure and experience, and end up getting paid more for those reasons. It’s one of the natural consequences of child rearing and putting emphasis on raising family over occupation. Motherhood is the most honorable job in society.

Booz Allen Hamilton BbRN20 Apr 30

Nah, women aren't allowed to pursue higher salaried careers. They're pushed back at most steps where salary bumps happen. Over time, they end up doing Senior level work for Jr pay. Happens all the time.

Amazon miscreants Apr 30

Comical. I know plenty of PEs and Srs who are women and command appropriate salaries. What evidence do you have otherwise? The studies all suggest that preference is one of the biggest factors. That’s why construction workers are predominantly male, specialists are predominantly male, elementary school teachers and nurses are predominantly female.

Microsoft Hey-Zeus May 1

No, because gender doesn't exist anymore. Therefore there can be no pay gap associated with an imaginary, social construct.