Is this the end of google prestige

Google is feeling a lot like IBM did at its peak. Stagnant product, and “growing” profits by layoffs instead of making their product better

Google evenin Jan 11

Yeah. I doubt college students graduating today want to work at Google as much as we wanted to 5-10 years ago.

MongoDB humongodb Jan 11

Probably. But the sheer number is still too high for the number of positions being available so I don't think Google will care much.

Course Hero Yuazxe Jan 11

Every new grad wants to work at the big G.

Google the_stoic Jan 11

To be fair a lot of companies have lost prestige, basically all of the FAANG plus Uber DD ABNB Snap have all lost prestige last few years. I can’t think of companies which I can say are still prestigious anymore

Google anoncat_ Jan 11


Google the_stoic Jan 11

Hmm I dunno. Yes they are the front and center in the news but a lot of controversy there. So much data has been ingested by them without permission, and we still don’t know what happened with Sam Altman debacle. For an “open” company there is so much no one knows about what’s going on inside the company.

Meta snnsodnd Jan 11

Finally you can feel less bad about being rejected by Google eh?

Meta CzlI81 Jan 11

Yeah it’s crazy to see someone from Roblox talking shit when that’s literally where a lot of the people that failed their Google interviews end up.

Apple 83662dev Jan 11

Are you serious? Roblox has such a long and capricious interview. I passed Google but could not pass Roblox. Shame because they pay great!

PfjY72 Jan 11

Google overhiring in mid/late 2021 and early 2022 was where they plateaued/started going downhill in my book. I was very surprised with some of their hires during that time, they definitely were not who I would normally consider "Google quality." Hell, even I got an offer back then and I wouldn't consider myself 2015 Google quality either. I definitely felt the interviews had a lower bar than before, at least the bar felt much lower than the way Blind portrays/used to portray it.

Google the_stoic Jan 11

A very interesting take to lump yourself together with the people you thought got hired too easily.

PfjY72 Jan 11

Why? Its not like I'm any different from them - I'm openly admitting that I think I should normally not be good enough to get in lol. Just being honest with my skill.

Airbnb caraw Jan 11

Google has been stagnant for ~10 years now and has just continued to increase the bloat since, way more so than any other major tech company.

Roku Ye78 Jan 11

The only company with prestige is Albertsons, everyone know this.

Roku _AS_ Jan 11

Google is a new Yahoo. OpenAI is a new Google.

Cruise kUdW08 Jan 11

Dude is the roblox going to 🚀 or not?

Google tripforfk Jan 14

IMO Google’s prestige was lost when pandemic hiring went out of control. Below-the-par talents were hired and they brought along their friends. That being said, Google still makes record level profits every quarter… and G still chooses to follow the trend and conduct layoffs. 🤷