
Is women in tech agenda hijacked by product managers?

I am a woman in tech(applied scientist), I see that a lot of product/program managers call themselves as women in tech without any background in tech. Do other women who are SDE, Science, engineering feel the same way?

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Microsoft pw0123 May 8

It’s the tech industry… every woman in tech is a woman in tech 🙄

Amazon MeiZhang OP May 8

If I am a administrator in hospital, am I a woman in medicine?

Salesforce amrikaShiH May 8

Its same as fat women have hijacked body positivity movement

Amazon rDPe84 May 8

They are not being hijacked by product managers. There are more women in tech that are product managers compared to SDE, AS, etc. And product managers tend to be the type of people who are more comfortable talking about stuff and end up being featured more in such events.

Hubspot 😮‍💨🐈‍⬛ May 8

I don’t care

Oracle Tomatina🍅 May 8

PMs are the worst and unfortunately, most unsuccessful swe women in their late 30s tend to leave the core tech jobs to move to PM ladder. After that, all they do is 🗣️🗣️🗣️

Cisco triads May 8

Sounds biased. How about men in product? They speak less?

Oracle Tomatina🍅 May 8

No, it applies to both men and women equally. What I meant is that the women in PM roles are most likely unsuccessful swes.

Rubrik tevir May 8

OP wants to feel special about being an "applied scientist". Unfortunately no special cookie for you. Every women in tech can claim the tech "agenda".

Attentive May 8

eh still better than when a pm refers to themself as “women in tech”. usually think of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. not product.

Rubrik tevir May 8

Not really. Tech is tech. You could be a scientist working on a never ending non-revenue generating project. Meanwhile a good PM could deliver multiple revenue generating products. Nobody is special. Everyone is tech.

Google QBWI25 May 8

Women who follow traditional gender look/jobs have it much easier in our society than men and women who do not conform. To be a woman scientist/engineer you had to make many choices that are not considered feminine, so you got punished by both men and women and had it much harder than both typical man/woman in our society. PMs often studied humanities or other feminine subjects in school. They dress femininely and have feminine hobbies. They grew up in privilege and are used to having it easier. They are also used to advocating for victims to get special treatment from society. In fact it’s ironic when PMs/ marketing to call themselves women in tech. The people who are so used to getting special treatment are demanding even more special treatment.

Cisco jeff jose May 8

very well said!!

Cubic Corgi^2 May 8

Wtf. I was in class with plenty of women who dressed and acted feminine, and this was a civil engineering program. By your logic they should’ve be wearing exclusively Carhartt and spitting skoal long cut into an old bottle of natty light. Also there’s nothing inherently feminine about social sciences.

Cisco triads May 8

Strange question. What is the boundary in tech are PMs, Prog Managers leading technical products or teams not tech enough 🤔

Cubic Corgi^2 May 8

I bet these SWEs call themselves engineers yet only have CS degrees.

Cubic Corgi^2 May 8

So if someone asks a male product manager what industry they work in, are they not allowed to say tech…..? At that point if you only have computer science degree then you shouldn’t even be able to call yourself a “SWE”, you’re a developer and not an engineer.

Microsoft nHpf41 May 8

A lot of product/program managers do have a technical background though... for a technical PM role, you have to be technical to succeed in that role. Many of them have degrees in computer science for example... I'm not sure what qualifies as "technical background" in your case if not studying tech and working with tech every day.

Amazon MeiZhang OP May 8

Here is my list Carla from Silicon valley ✅ Priyanka from Silicon valley ✅ Monica from Silicon valley ❌ Anima AnandKumar ✅ Mira Murati ❌ Sheryl Sandberg ❌