IndiaApr 17

Israel Loves Indians!

Such a strong bond between two nations.

55 Participants
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Commvault BzzX56 Apr 17

Cherry picking?

Walt Disney A.Bushnell Apr 17

Find one good cherry

Google gUdj4i Apr 17

It's absolutely cherrypicking. How do I know? - watch the full video: - watch the many other videos in Israel by this YouTuber:

Amazon chikha Apr 17

Ha ha ! Some time I laugh at you guys with such a stupid question. Why do you think Like everyone in the world will be someone’s frnd ? This whole earth 🌍 runs on jealousy, power and groups. So everyone is here acting like a friend.

Zulily nwly-fondr Apr 17

The vloggers have a bad reputation for presenting content that may not necessarily be accurate or ethical, solely for the purpose of gaining views.

Google gUdj4i Apr 17

No -- this is not one of those vloggers In fact the video doesn't have that many views. I'm sure these anti-Israel Twitter people who are passing around this tiny clip have way more views than the original, which does not fit their image See: (he posted a bunch of other videos too in Israel) It's like having many videos of a tour across America, getting turned down from one club in Vegas (while continuing to have a good time going elsewhere thanks to their alternative suggestion), and someone else cutting just that clip and claiming the country is racist

Branch Dustin and Apr 17

He should have gone to the bars in Palestine (oh wait...)

Microsoft qqtG88 Apr 17

Wait until they sacrifice the red cow 🤣🤣

Walt Disney A.Bushnell Apr 17

And burn it

Image Access Corp. TCMTY Apr 17

Microsoft YourPapi Apr 17

That’s cherry picked, see his YouTube channel. Shubham is his name

Apple 🐜 👨 man Apr 17

They don’t really love us till their women marry our men.

Walt Disney A.Bushnell Apr 17

Can a Jewish woman marry an Indian? Or do they not want to?

Apple 🐜 👨 man Apr 17

Of course they can. If they don’t, it’s because they don’t want to.

Millennium Management mkcfeb24 Apr 17

OP is cherry picking. He wasn’t allowed because they thought he was a Muslim. Once they found he’s not, he was let in. OP should be ashamed for spreading propaganda

Amazon Padayappa©️ Apr 17

I don’t know how this is supposed to be ok. What if that guy was an Indian Muslim? Are ok if Indian Muslims are discriminated in other countries?

Millennium Management mkcfeb24 Apr 17

Given what’s going on in Israel, they have the right to enforce their policies. It’s not a utopian world where everything is perfect. I’m only pointing out that OP is intentionally misleading with a clickbait headline

Bloomberg corpo🐀r Apr 17

They left him in his once they found he is not a Jihadi Muzzi.