HousingAug 9, 2017

James Damore detailed interview on his memo. Thought provoking

Much better interview with James Damore (and a mystery Googler) by Jordan Peterson. Goes over the memo in detail, with an eye to the current state of academic research on the various points. James seems a bit overwhelmed by the spotlight but will likely get better with practice. https://youtu.be/SEDuVF7kiPU

2017/08/08: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)
2017/08/08: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)
HIaN36 Aug 9, 2017

I didn't agree with most of what he wrote in his memo, but getting fired for it seems short sighted.

BlackBerry FuckJerks Aug 9, 2017

I suspect that Google did it to avoid lawsuits from female and minority employees. Also it was becoming a distraction

Apple Ceqv13 Aug 9, 2017

Even when a white dude messes it up, he can only prosper... Look at all the publicity, if he writes a book he'll be rich!

Microsoft DJTramp Aug 9, 2017

Next up, he'll be a sought after conservative speaker. 🤦🏽‍♂️

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Aug 9, 2017

Speaking fees I hear are excellent at Goldman Sachs 🤑

yyytacoyyy Aug 9, 2017

I'm not sure why people are surprised by his firing. Whether or not you agree with his memo, he's propagating a view that runs absolutely polar opposite to what the company stands for (or maybe more fairly, what they want to project). It's obviously hot because of the subject, but if you or I did something that hurt our employers reputation that much, no one would bat an eye at them letting us go. This isn't about thought crime or some dramatic 1984 shit. This is about a guy making a big mistake that went public. James seems like a guy who is trying to have an honest discussion about something he genuinely thinks is an issue. But he lacks the self awareness to know how to initiate that discussion, and that's why it became a problem. As a logical, fact-focused male who is by his very nature inclined to understand objects and systems, he should have seen this coming from a mile away and constructed his argument better. Or maybe his whole thesis was bullshit and that's why he didn't.

Capital One cmnisay Aug 9, 2017

The way it is worded, he makes it sound like it is all fact based. A closer read the second time you can figure it is only based on existing stereotypes and no science. That is why it is bullshit

Amazon mUqi08 Aug 9, 2017

then why add the stereotype of conservative vs liberal and left vs right? he is not being honest 9n the message he wants to send. he is just bad at covering his track and is not careful with hiding his identity with risk management. live and learn, young fella, he'll get some maturity

Deloitte PVaQ48 Aug 9, 2017

He should have been fired the day it went viral imho. Here is why. He just ranted but did not do what all these yt tech guys claim they do best--provide a fucking disrupting solution. How would he fix the issue? How would he HELP his female peers be better engineers at Google. How would he help Google make the situation BETTER. James provided NO solutions. Had he spent say 1000 words on some solutions for SOLVING the issues (s) his ass would still be empolyed at Google.

Microsoft jPzm21 Aug 9, 2017

The solution he provided was to not push for a 50/50 ratio between men and women in engineering. He provided one, just not a solution they would ever agree to.

CrowdStrike zlrt73 Aug 9, 2017

I don't know what the fuck you're on about. there's only one solution: for the progressives to stop being triggered when someone expresses a viewpoint (with evidence, made rationally, etc.) such as the one he did. Silencing your opposition is why non progressives are so angry right now. We have to zip our lips and pretend like we agree. It's as if the left learned nothing in 2016. Pichai should had come forward and said "sure, men and women may have differences on *average* but we still want to strive to diversify because it's good for X, Y, and Z". And when I say should, I mean this is how the left could engage in discourse with less progressive people. I think he did what was best for the company, at this moment, but surely you do understand what I'm getting at here? This was a perfect example of someone on the right attempting to start dialogue with the other side and instead of respond in kind, he was fired. It was the whole point of his memo- here's a rational argument that many are thinking but afraid to say. Dismissing him as sexist, and advancing stereotypes is not an actual argument unless you go into detail about where he played fast and loose with the facts, where he generalized, etc.

enigma2468 Aug 9, 2017

@zirt73 - What are you talking about? He was fired - chances are he can join TK ar his next startup -- or they will be unemployable for a long time to come.

mWmo82 Aug 10, 2017

This drivel just proves that he was right to be fired. People are approaching this memo as if it was published in a scientific journal and had been subject to peer review first. News flash: the peer review is happening now, and enough of his peers think that what he said was extremely problematic that it would never have credibility. For those who read every citation at face value, please consider that this was not approached in a scientific way. He is of the opinion that women, with few exceptions, aren't in coding because they're "neurotic" and that's the way it should be. He found evidence to support that opinion. His exact words are that "we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don't fit a certain ideology"- his ideology being that most women don't deserve to be there. People who want to have an honest discussion about gender in the workplace are open to other ideas and usually say "thank you" when presented with an idea that they haven't considered before. Throwing more biased "facts" to support his ideas proved that all he wants to do is forward his ideology.