PoliticsJan 23, 2018

James Damore sues Google. Is there similar situations @SAP?

Damore sues Google for discrimination and violating California laws. Since SAP also runs a Diversity program I was wondering whether anyone sees/ experiences similar prejudice and discrimination ?

Compass Pwyu55 Jan 23, 2018

Ehhh... fuck that guy. Google did the right thing firing that troll.

SAP kUAD07 OP Jan 23, 2018

They are probably going to pay for firing him

Compass Pwyu55 Jan 23, 2018

Pay in what way? He created, a well documented, hostile workplace. His lawsuit against google is trash at best.

Microsoft craplach42 Jan 23, 2018

I’m going to assume this lawsuit is being bankrolled by some alt-right organization because they are desperately hoping for CA to rule anything in their favor so others can spout this bullshit at work and push the alt-right agenda. Sad!

SAP HPV Jan 23, 2018

That's a lot of assumptions. I'm sure you've read the lawsuit. Sounds like you're fake news, buddy.

Cruise Automation Frend Jan 23, 2018

The lawsuit is actually hilarious. 90% of the screenshots they show are just to elicit pearl-clutching about people aspiring to live a life that doesn't involve 2 kids and a country club membership

Capital One jpKY70 Jan 23, 2018

I am hoping this lawsuit will create a precedence to straighten up SV culture a bit. But I am not holding my breadth for bigots to learn how to treat another human being with respect.

SAP kUAD07 OP Jan 23, 2018

Look im thinking whether internal audit should take a look at these programs?

Google SHawking Jan 23, 2018

Asshole is not a protected class in California.

Cisco idk man Jan 23, 2018

He was discriminated against though and has 30 pages of evidence. I don't know why you hate him.

Expedia 🍺 beer Jan 23, 2018

He personally wasn’t discriminated against. He published something questionable, as he has done several times before (notice he was still hired even though he had done those things) He was let go because he published something that messed with googles image. There were some pretty illegal things in that stuff he presented, however, there’s no evidence that any of those parts affected him personally . That is not to say others weren’t affected, but they’re not the ones bringing the lawsuit. the parts that talked about him being discriminated read like a butthurt special flower complaint book.

Cisco idk man Jan 23, 2018

Google and Microsoft both favor minorities. How is that not discrimination?

SAP gkdoud84tx Jan 24, 2018

Firing someone solely because of stated political beliefs should be illegal. I guess people have already forgotten the ugliness of the "Unamerican Activities Committee" days. That said, I'm not aware of any such law. But firing someone for speaking out about working conditions, pay, promotions, etc. IS actionable, regardless of how little merit there is to such speech.