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Autodesk Pnxurn Aug 18, 2018

I strongly encourage this!!! Stop finding ways to pamper your mortal bodies

Intuit Nz1kb3 OP Aug 18, 2018

His salmon and broccoli dinner does sound nice. It’s possible to pamper yourself frugally.

Autodesk Pnxurn Aug 18, 2018

I agree, nothing wrong with pampering right

Facebook AsdfFdsa? Aug 18, 2018

To be fair, he also lives in rural Georgia. $167k goes a bit farther there...

Intuit Nz1kb3 OP Aug 18, 2018

Yeah and most of us aren’t from the Bay Area and do have ties elsewhere, to likely more affordable places. Carter had lived in this house prior to his presidency. I could go back to my college town and buy a house for around $100k.

Facebook AsdfFdsa? Aug 18, 2018

Me too, but I’m not going to. I value different things in a place to live. Not advocating for picking up a nice 10-bedroom place in Pac Heights, but not sure striving for a $100k house is some kind of a virtue.

Comcast GrokThis Aug 18, 2018

I just think he puts his money where his mouth is. Helping create low income housing... that’s phenomenal! Who cares how much his house is worth... Warren Buffet lives in the home he grew up in and eats popcorn, reads books.... hmmm nothing wrong with that imho

Intuit Nz1kb3 OP Aug 18, 2018

I find his lifestyle motivational. It proves that just because you can capitalize on something (like being an ex president) doesn’t mean you have to. It shows there’s more to life that money. He’s proof of it. A “simple” existence can absolutely be a life worth living. You don’t need fancy toys and houses to create meaning. But so many people create their meaning through those things upon acquiring wealth.

Apple Ghs543a Aug 18, 2018

Carter has been the best president after office we’ve ever had. Phenomenal human being who has done so much good.

Facebook NikoBelic Aug 18, 2018

What was so good about his term?

Apple Ghs543a Aug 18, 2018

Why are you asking about his term?

Oracle O0O0O0 Aug 18, 2018

Definitely a diplomat and humanitarian, but wasn't he known for not being able to speak to the press and not being consistent with what he explained? Kind of makes sense he's living this way

Intuit Nz1kb3 OP Aug 18, 2018

Trumps behavior doesn’t make him shy away from the media. I wouldn’t see a frugal life as a sign of political failure. It’s more so, he’s just doing him. If he wanted more money, he could get it.

Microsoft ElkGoo Aug 18, 2018

Thank you for sharing this!

Google tSWH20 Aug 18, 2018

Too many mortgage slaves these days, even in silicon valley.

Intuit Nz1kb3 OP Aug 18, 2018

I don’t blame people for wanting to be homeowners. Just do it somewhere it won’t put a serious burden on you. I doubt most SV folks who have million dollar mortgages make enough time for their kids. They need that dual income just to afford the house so kids can have a bedroom. Why jump through all the hoops and stress? Life is easier in less competitive areas. You can try and “have it all”, but surely you’re going to be lacking in things that matter— time with family and friends, after you’ve made these huge debt and career obligations just to stay afloat.

Senec@ Aug 18, 2018

He was also a feckless leader, and on top of that, a bit of an anti-Semite, in my personal opinion, based on how he rails against Israel all the time. (Am not of Semitic heritage, FYI).